Flustered in the Enemy's Bathroom :132:

411 18 22

You didn't expect to wake up alone, if you were being honest. Usually whenever you passed out, Lloyd would be right there beside you the whole time.

Grabbing a journal from your bag, you started writing down the visions you had seen. From the littlest flash of a baby crying, to the bleeding corpse of an elder. You hated having these dreams. This whole thing you had going for you got fucked up in the Merge. And you hated it. You glanced down, noting that you were placed in a green full bed.

It was weird to say the least. You were used to a communal bedroom, with bunks in the wall just big enough for Cole to squish into. Though, Wu always had his own room, being the Sensei and all.. and.. Lloyd had.. taken over.. But Lloyd usually didn't like having a large bed...


He had it with you in mind. There was no doubt that while he was building the Plume, he had you in mind. He wanted to share a bed with you. God your chest was fluttering like a teenage girl all over again. It felt so long ago.

The Plume was way too quiet, no creaking floorboards or sounds of chatter through the walls. You did the bed, making sure the pillows were nice and fluffed, and that the bedspread was as smooth as it could be.

Making sure in the mirror that you were decent, you slipped your shoes back on, stepping out of the bedroom.

To get knocked over by a storming Sora. Once she noticed you were there, she crouched down, and helped you up, before turning and grumbling off again. What was with you and falling today? ...Was it still today? Maybe it was already tomorrow..

More people's presence filled the hall beside you, watching her run off.

"What.. happened?" Sora was brash and stubborn, you could tell that as soon as you met her. She had strong opinions, you respected her for that. But this.. was unlike her, even by those standards.

Lloyd grabbed your hand, upset. He grumbled, teeth grating against each other. "We're heading back to the monastery. Kai, go check on Sora with Riyu. Arin, I trust you remember how to set the ship on autopilot? I'll explain what's going on to Y/n."

Before he dragged you back into the bedroom, you glanced out a porthole to see you were back in the crossroads. How long had you slept? And why had you suddenly passed out?


As you sat down on the freshly made bed, you didn't have time to answer the voice, as Lloyd flung his sword into the wall, eyes slightly redish. It almost sounded like he growled. Oh. That was.. well you wouldn't say new.. just.. it had been awhile since his eyes were other colors than green. This was serious, okay.

He continued to grab whatever object, throwable or not, and chucked it at the wall, slowly emptying his pockets of shurikans and tantos and any other thing he could get a hold of. Huh. You all had a lot of weapons.

Standing back up, you wearily stepped closer to him, trying to not spook him. "Lloyd? Lloyd.  What is happening?" Cupping his cheek, you turned his head to face you, frowning. "Before you ruin the walls of our bedroom, put the weapons down, sit and talk."

Eyes studying you as if you were a star in a telescope, he sighed. Taking off the torso part of his Gi, he tied it around his hips as he slumped onto the bed in a white tank. "Y/n- can your powers affect hardened light? If one of us wanted to go back to a manipulative kingdom we called home- alone, would you let us? If I tell Sora she can't go, she still will, right? Is it a stupid idea for her to go back to Imperium? How-"

"Slow down." You huffed, sitting beside him in the bed, rubbing his knuckles. "Start from the beginning, when I passed out."

He ran a hand down his face, sighing as he attempted to calm down. "Okay.. so when you passed out, we got worried and started heading home, obviously.. still don't know why you passed out.." He chewed his lip in frustration. "But on the way back to the monastery, we spotted a lightning dragon getting chased by the Claws of Imperium. So, being who we are, we stopped and went to save it..."

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