chapter 6

425 15 57

A/n: first 5 seconds of being an elite student.




Kawai: that was a little dramatic.

Y/n: You-you-w-why you want me to be your boyfriend!?

Kawai giggled and put a finger to her chin with a coy look on her face.

Kawai: you are cute, you're pretty strong, and Keijo players aren't allowed to date Keijo engineers. However, there isn't against the rules for other Keijo players to...and you have a pretty nice ass.

Y/n: so you're blackmailing me to date you.

Kawai: don't think of it so one-sidedly...I do like you. I'll even sweeten the deal.

Kawai took Y/n's hand on hers...and gently placed it on her chest making Y/n yelp.

Kawai: I'll even help you with your male urges.

Y/n: wah why-why did you place my hand there!?

Kawai: oh would like to touch my butt instead~

Kawai then lowered his hand to her backside causing Y/n to make an ungodly nose that could somehow be made by a human larynx.

Kawai: oops I think I've over did it.

Kawai let go of his hand as he held it, while more than most would be excited, Y/n was mortified to think of how she could also now blackmail him with sexual assault.

Kawai: are you okay?

Y/n: ...

Kawai: Y/n?

Y/n: mmmh...

Kawai: are you trying to remember the feeling of a girl's butt and bust. Thinking of it I think this is your first time...are you a virgin-

Y/n: * scarlet faced * why is that important!?

Kawai: oh no reason... I  just think you're cute when you're blushing.

Kawai then pecked Y/n on the cheek and waved and winked at him.

Kawai: I'll see you later, boyfriend~

Kawai left as Y/n fell to his knees his mind had gone blank bevy it couldn't comprehend the immensity of the problem in his way.

**** timeskip brought to you by chibi Y/n staring into the fourth wall ****

The morning after the group was having breakfast of the elite delectable cuisines

Nozomi: it's just rice with raw egg on top, so why does it taste so different?

Non: it's it's because we're in the elite class now, right?

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