chapter 4

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A/n: oh God she knows!!

A/n: oh God she knows!!

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We see Y/n frantically looking around the school. Ignore the pain in his legs from the thigh highs.

Y/n: ( she couldn't have, how could she, was I that careless!? )

Running past a hallway he saw Kawai doing late night training at the pool.

Y/n: maybe I'm over thinking things. She probably found out about my technique... although I only just found about it.

Reassuring himself he entered the pool, getting the attention of Kawai.

Y/n: um...good evening, you said you knew someone about me?

Kawai hadn't said word only walking up to Y/n... and grabbed them on the crotch.


Kawai: as I thought

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Kawai: as I thought. You're actually a boy.

Y/n: do...ah...find o-out?

Kawai: * still holding him by the crotch * I thought that would have been obvious. Weren't exactly helping yourself with how you act, I'm actually surprised no one found out any sooner, but that ass did throw me off just a bit.

Y/n: can...c-can you let go of me now?

Kawai: oh that's right.

Kawai let go of Y/n's crotch and this was followed by an awkward silence. This was broken by Kawai asking a reasonable question.

Unexpected Player ( Keijo!!! × male reader )Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora