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You sat on your bed, finishing up the last sentence on your book. Your book already had nine chapters and this was going to be this tenth, you already had over 40k read's and a majority of them supported the book.

You were happy.

Well you were kinda happy.

You noticed that everytime you got a new follower of a new comment, something would happen in your life that would make you freeze and think if you're hallucinating.

There was one time when you immediately replied back to someone's comment and not even a second after, your phone started to flash black and white with a count down starting from 3.

You were so scared you threw your phone across your room.

Umi had to run upstairs, to see what was wrong and when you told her what wad going on with your phone, she just laughed at you.

"Girl pick up the phone" You hissed at her while trying to calm yourself down.

Umi picked up the phone only to see your bright lock screen. "Y/N you seriously need to turn your brightness down" She grumbled as she handed you the phone.

You opened your mouth to say something but Umi was already leaving the room. You couldn't belive your eyes, your phone was just glitching a minute ago but the second Umi picks it up, it goes back to normal.

After that day you decided that you would just write on your laptop.

Which was the best decision you had ever made. You got chapters done quickly and it helped you post 2 more books.

You're second book was about a reader getting bullied by a guy named "Koa", He was just like Kage but less misogynistic.

Your third book was about a childhood friend named "Bambi". Her whole purpose was trying to stop you from falling head over heels for every hot person you saw or interacted with.

"Y/N can I come in now?"

You took your eyes off your laptop and glanced at the door. "Oh, forgot about that" You chuckled to yourself as you made your way towards the door.

You opened it to see Umi standing there with a small smile on her face. "Y/N there is some gilr downstairs saying she needs to talk to you" Umi said. Your raised an eyebrow then shook your head

"Umi, I don't know any other girl besides you, so tell that women to go away or that I'm not here" You grumbled.

"But Y/N that's rude and what if she knows your here, wh-"

"Yeah I'll do it" You sighed pushing pasted Umi. You made your way downstairs, to see that the front door was wide open with a random women standing there holding a big basket in her hands.

"Uh hello miss what can I do for you" You grumbled, leaning again the door frame.

The women gave you a small smile before shoving the basket on your hands. "Here you go Y/N, This is from Bonnie, have a good day!" The lady says happily says before walking away.

You glanced at Umi confused only for her to shrug her shoulders.

You placed the basket on the ground then closed the door. "Open it Y/N, open it" Umi giggled as she pulled on one of the ribbons.

"Nuh-uh, Umi we don't know what's in that basket" You stated as you shook your head. You picked the basket up and placed it on the kitchen counter.

"Umi don't touch that, I'll be right back" You demanded before walking away. That name Bonnie sounded familiar, if it was who you were thinking about then you needed to get to the bottom of this immediately. 

You went upstairs to grab your phone but froze when you heard Umi's loud scream downstairs.

"Oh my gosh"

You ran downstairs to see Umi going through the basket with a huge smile on her face.

"Umi! Didn't I tell you not to open the basket" You hissed at your friend. You grabbed the basket making Umi let out a loud whine then immediately looked through it.

"Y/N this Bonnie person, is probably one of your fans" Umi laughed "Look at all theses drinks and snacks they sent you" She grinned as she held up a bag of chips.

You roled your eyes at Umi's stupidity then snatched the bag away from her.

"I swear" You mumbled "This might be that Bonnie person thats been harassing me for the last few months" You fumed. You couldn't belive that Umis survival skills just poofed away over a bag of chips.

"Okay? They might have changed Y/N, that's why they're probably sending you food" Umi replied as she snatched the chips back.

"Umi if they had a change of heart, they wouldn't be sending me death threats everyday at the exact same time" You scoffed. "That's impossible Y/N, who has time for that?" Umi argued.

You held your hand up in Umis face for a few seconds then a loud ding was heard from your phone.

You picked it up and showed Umi the notification.

"I think they have them on automatic text" You state as you placed the phone down.

"W-Well Y/N why would they send this then?" Umi asked.

"I don't know and I don't wanna find out, let's just throw it away or something" You told her. You grabbed the basket then made tour way to the trash can was Umi just stood there and watched.

"But Y/N that's wastingfood! We can donate that" Umi blurted out.

"This fokd could possibly be poisoned, I'm not risking it" You replied as you threw the basket in trash. "This food could be harmful to me and you, so we shou-"

"O-M-G Y/N look" Umi shouted, pointing towards the trash can.

You looked down in horror to see a pink powdery substance on your pants. You let out a loud scream and started to wipe the dust off you, only making it worse.

"What is this?" You shouted "Where did this even come from?" You cried out.

"Y/N just calm down its pro-"

You ran passed Umi and to the upstairs bathroom to wash yourself off.

Umi shook her head as she glanced at the trash can.

"All that wasted food, I could've ate" She whined. 

A/N: Me watching those two readers flirt in my comments:

Yall know who yall are, I be getting 40+ notifications cuz of yall

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Yall know who yall are, I be getting 40+ notifications cuz of yall.

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