Chapter 6

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Rain wakes from the nightmare with a startled cry. He sits up looking around for his mate, but then he remembers that P'Phayu went to the garage to do some work for P'Pakin. He had told an exhausted Rain to stay home and rest, since he is still recovering from his heat.

Rain whines, he wants his alpha here to hold him. Suddenly the house just feels too quiet and empty.

He smells the blankets, slightly comforted that they smell like P'Phayu. He takes the top one and wraps it around him. Then he pads down the hall to his own room and closes himself in his closet nest before falling back to sleep.

"Rain?" Phayu calls as he walks into the house. He doesn't like how empty the house feels. Before Rain had come into his life, he had been used to it. He had often spent his nights here alone when Saifah stayed with Heam. On those rare times when he had sought a companion for the night, he had taken them back to the apartment over the garage.

Rain is the first lover he has shared his house with and the only one he ever wants to.

"Rain?" He calls again. When the omega doesn't answer, Phayu figures he might be upstairs asleep.

Doctor Melee had paid a house call and examined Rain after his. She had declared him healthy and the mating mark successful. She had however said that Rain could experience extreme fatigue for the next few days while his hormones regulated themselves. Phayu had wanted to stay with Rain this week but there was a race coming up and he had to inspect and service the bikes.

He goes upstairs, but the bed is empty. He notes that the sheets are rumpled, and the blanket is missing. He checks the bathroom but it's also empty.

It's too quiet and for a moment Phayu feels a stab of fear. Then the significance of the missing blanket hits him.

He walks to Rain's room and quietly opens the door to the closet. Sure, enough Rain is curled up on the nest fast asleep. His arms are wrapped around the blanket. The sight makes Phayu's heart ache. He doesn't know what Rain had gone through with that beta family but the fact he still doesn't feel comfortable sleeping in the open speaks volumes.

Phayu sighs and crawls into Rain's nest as easily as possible to keep from waking him. He presses himself against the omegas back and puts his arms around him. Comforted by the omegas warmth and scent he falls asleep too.

Rain wakes and for a minute can't figure out why the smell of the alpha is so strong. It had already begun to fade from the blankets this morning. Then he feels the arms around him.

There is a shift behind him, and Rain feels lips on his neck, right over the mating bite.

"Awake?" P'Phayu asks, his lips still on Rain's skin.

"P'Phayu, how did you get here?" Rain asks.

"I came home and found my omega curled up in the nest looking so cute. I could I resist?" P'Phayu says. Rain blushes at this. That also means he has slept the entire day.

"Hungry?" P'Phayu asks.

"Starving," Rain admits. He hasn't eaten since dinner the previous day since he'd been too sleepy to wake up for breakfast. He remembers vaguely P'Phayu telling him he would leave food for him in the fridge, but Rain had never made it downstairs today.

"Why don't you take a shower and I'll fix us something." P'Phayu asks. "Or did you want to stay here?" He nuzzles Rain's neck.

It's tempting but Rain's growling tummy decides the matter for him. "I'll go take a shower." He says.

The next morning, Rain is still drowsy but by afternoon he is feeling restless and bored.

Rain calls Sky to check to see how he and Taksa are doing. He chats with Sky for a while, but to his disappointment Taksa is taking a nap.

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