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By the fourth day of detention, Kenny had joined the rest of them. Naturally, he was caught spray painting dicks on the side of the gym.

Tweek started to think that maybe he was an idiot. When the boy in the orange parka sat next to him, grinning like an idiot with those crooked teeth, he definitely thought he was an idiot.

"Dude, w-why did you get caught?!" Tweek knew Kenny could've gotten away with it - he had a million times before. His graffiti was famous in South Park.

He shrugged, Kenny didn't think it was a big deal. "I'm bored."

Weird dude.. Tweek twitched as he turned his attention back to the notebook he was scribbling in. He was sketching his shadows.

Kenny didn't openly stare at the page, but he saw it. It made him frown. Did anyone else know Tweek was dealing with this shit? God, Butters would never leave him alone once Kenny told him about this.

They were in a comfortable silence as the time ticked by. Kenny couldn't help but notice how Craig would glare over at them every once and awhile, his blue chullo hat moving ever so slightly when he would look back at the manga he was reading.

Tweek didn't seem to notice, he was locked into his notebook. If he focused on Craig's glares, or the whispers ghosting the back of his neck, Tweek would lose his shit. He had no choice. He had to keep scribbling.

By the time detention was over, and he actually looked at what he was drawing, Tweek's blood ran cold. The deformed shadow on the page mocked him with its crass smile. He slammed the cover closed, desperate to never see it again.

Kenny saw it though.

He watched Tweek shake with a type of unique disturbance. Crumbling his own doodles in his hand, Kenny motioned for the paranoid kid to follow him: "Me and Butters are goin' to the park, you wanna join?"

Knowing damn well he didn't have anything better to do, Tweek only nodded. It seemed like Kenny was picking up on the fact that he shouldn't be alone. Why did that kind of piss him off?

AHHH! Craig!

He nearly ran into the glaring, hunched over figure standing outside the doors. Tweek tried to retreat, only to find the door frame behind him with the back of his skull. Before Craig could continue with whatever his plans were, Kenny raised an arm between them.

Still holding that playful smirk, Kenny shook his head at Craig: "Now, Tucker," He began with sass layered in his voice. "'M thinkin' you should leave Tweekers alone."

Pushing the arm down from his face, Craig sneered. "This isn't about you, McCormick."

"What's your problem then?!"

Tweek didn't mean to let an outburst slip, but he did, and felt instant regret. It seemed to set Craig off further, his nostrils flaring with rage as his eyes clouded over. "You! I thought I knew you, but you're just a fucking lying ass faggot!"

With those words splattering any semblance of hope for Tweek, Craig elected to walk away before Kenny laid him out in the hallway. Tweek couldn't hear anything his new friend was saying to him as he stared down at the ugly flooring. That eerie gray color. It smudged his mind from existence, if only temporarily.

He fucking hates you.. He even called you a faggot! Tweek twitched in pain, letting his head fall in his hands. BECAUSE YOU ARE. YOU ARE A PIECE OF SHIT FAGGOT!

Recognizing that familiar overwhelmed look, Kenny decided to snap his mouth closed. He hadn't been hearing a word of comfort, anyway. And after witnessing that interaction, Kenny wasn't sure what Craig's fucking problem was. Didn't they date in elementary?

Frailty (Tweek x Craig)Where stories live. Discover now