Chapter 14: The Gaurdian of the Forest

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As the night wore on, the whispers grew louder, guiding Freen and Becky deeper into the forest. The trees seemed to close in, their branches tangling above like outstretched arms.

The travelers' hearts raced with anticipation, their footsteps quiet on the soft earth.

Suddenly, a figure emerged from the shadows. Tall and imposing, with eyes that burned like embers, the Guardian of the Forest stood before them. His voice rumbled like thunder, shaking the leaves beneath their feet.

"Who dares to trespass on sacred ground?"

Freen and Becky stood firm, their hands still clasped together. They knew they had been led here for a reason, that the whispers had brought them to this moment.

"We come seeking wisdom," Freen said, her voice steady. "We've heard the whispers of the ancients, and we wish to understand."

The Guardian's gaze pierced them, his eyes seeing beyond the veil of time. He nodded, his branches rustling in approval.

"You have been chosen to receive the ancient knowledge," he declared. "But first, you must prove your worth. I shall set you three trials. Pass them, and the secrets of the forest shall be yours to keep."

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