5. Iowa Is Pretty Boring

Start from the beginning

"Please? Please? It's only a little out of the way and then you guys can hunt so much better without me tagging along." Abby begged Sam and Dean as Dean drove. Abby usually didn't really mind following Sam and Dean on a hunt. She liked seeing new places and she didn't exactly have a ton, or any, other options. But now she did.

"Her parents okay with that?" Sam asked.

"Mhm. She lives with her dad 'cause her parents got divorced and he's never home so it's just Haley and Sarah, her big sister, and she's super responsible so you don't need to worry and she really likes me and said I could stay with them anytime I want, without even tellin 'em beforehand" Abby blurted out in one long breath, wanting to convince her brothers so badly. She watched Sam and Dean roll the information she had given them around in their head, slotting parts away and figuring out what to make of it.

She knew she had won them over when they exchanged the look that Abby knew meant "I'm fine with this if you are."

"But this is not a regular thing, you hear me?" Dean said, glancing in the rearview mirror at Abby.

"Yes sir," Abby said

"And don't call me sir," Dean said. 

Over the past few weeks, Abby had noticed the differences in hunting with John and Dean versus Dean and Sam. John liked being called sir but Dean and Sam both hated it. With Dean and Sam, Abby could talk all she wanted about the book she was reading or the cool bracelet she found, and as long as they weren't focusing super hard on their work, they would let her talk and even sometimes listen. The thing that had been tripping Abby up the most, though, was that Sam and Dean, especially Sam, seemed like they wanted her to do little kid things. 

Sam had told her just the other day that it was okay if she cried, but Abby knew that was just him sucking up to her because he was worried she was still holding a grudge against him for leaving. And to be fair, while her anger towards him was no longer as obvious, her stomach still hurt a little whenever Sam talked about his college friends or Jessica.


"It's the house on the left, 943. It's got a blue door and- It's that one!" Abby almost squealed in excitement as Dean pulled into the driveway of the house. 

She was moving to get out of the car when Sam said "Hey, wait a minute." He reached into the bag near his feet and pulled out the handgun that Sam usually carried when they were hunting. Abby's eyes widened as he handed it over to her. 

"You want me to have this?" Abby knew how to use a gun, of course, but she had never been given one to keep. The lessons were just so if she needed to she could.

"Not forever. Just while you're away from us."

"I don't think Sarah would want me to have a gun in their house," Abby said. She really didn't want Sarah to be mad at her for bringing a gun around.

"Well, you don't have to tell her. Just put it in your duffel bag for emergencies." Abby still hadn't reached for the gun Sam was holding out to her over the seat, despite the brothers' encouragement.

"Abs you need to have this with you, or we can't leave you alone." Abby wanted to say that Dean's reasons were shitty and she wouldn't be alone, but from the look in bother her brothers' face that was completely devoid of any joking atmosphere, she knew this was an ultimatum. So, reluctantly, Abby grabbed the handgun from Sam and stuffed it int her duffel bag in one of the empty zip-up side pockets under his and Dean's watchful eyes. 

"Good?" She said after zipping the bag back up.

"Good." Sam and Dean said in unison.

The siblings all got out of the car, and Sam and Dean grabbed the backpack and duffel back from the back seat which contained everything Abby would need, and now a gun, as Abby was already furiously knocking at the door of the house they were parked in front of. The house was well kept to a degree, with some peeling paint here and there and leaves still on the roof from the autumn which had ended just a few weeks ago. 

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