Episode 1-B: The Oak Brushes. (Kala)

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Across this beautiful camp near the beach of this lovely spot in the smallest of the Hawaiian islands. Two kids were making their way down the sandy beach, both of which were girls. The first having very curly brown hair like that of a lion's mane, she was a native to these island, being from the largest one. She had a pair of emerald green eyes, and light brown skinned, she was wearing dark blue shorts and a green bikini top. The other was a bit shorter than the other girl, she had a sea of dark brown braids with a hint of pink on the edges. Dark blue eyes and brown skin, she seemed to be a mix of African American and Japanese heritage. The camera changed as the two girls were now sitting on the sandy beach that overlooked the large lighter brown wood cabin. The flag hanging over it has an image of a dark brown wood hairbrush.

"My name is Kala Nalani." The girl with darker skin greeted me.

"And my name is Amarin Rin." THe other girl greeted

As in unison they declared loudly and happily. "And we are best friends."

Kala took over speaking. "We are glad that we both got invited to this game out of hundreds of applicants. Hopefully we are gonna win and when we do we are gonna split the money 50-50, so no matter what we have a twice the chance of winning this game."

"Me and Kala met when we were 8 years old, she was new to the neighborhood and I had a hard time making friends." Amari explained sadly. "We became fast friends and yes that means we have been punished together."

"We have gotten it so many times that I doubt that it is gonna have any effect on the two of us. So maybe we have another advantage." Kala added with a small giggle.

The camera shifted back to the two girls as they arrived at the large cabin, again it being two floors but it had a bit of differences to The Willow Switches cabin. It was a bit longer with a small deck that went out into the crystal clear waters. On a quick exploration of the home it looked like it was missing a few things that would let these kids dive safely into the water. There was a small room that probably could hold a lot of different swimming activities and devices. The living room, kitchen and dining room were all connected with only three large archways for the doors. The living room being equipped with games and a few small coffee tables, two recliners and a large couch. The kitchen looked spotless, the fridge and freezers stocked with everything they needed to last. The dining room had a large table for about ten people.

As the two girls headed inside of the large house. They could make out a beautiful singing voice, male in nature amd sitting on the couch strumming lightly on a guitar. He had soft looking white skin, and long light brown hair. He looked up from his guitar. "Hi there," he greeted with a hint of a southern accent.

The camera shifted as the boy was sitting on the couch. His guitar is still in the case instead of being out. "My name is Logan Park and I am 12 years old, recently turned 12 but it still counts. I am not the most athletic boy alive, but I can at least hold my own in them. I am learning to swim so maybe it wasn't a smart idea to get on a show so near the water." He patted his guitar case a few times. "If I am blessed enough to win, I want to either get a new guitar or just fix this one. My dad gave it to me before we lost him... so no matter what I am gonna keep it around just for good luck." His cheeks flushed a bit as he bashfully looked at the ground. "I am familiar with spankings and all of that, mom thinks it is quicker so at least I never have to worry about being grounded or anything like that. My only real hope is that if I win I can share the money with her as well."

The camera went back as Logan set his older guitar to the side and stood up to greet the two girls. "Logan Park, nice to meet you."

Amari blushed just a tiny bit but she did take the boy's hand as he extended it. "Nice to meet you, my name is Amari and this is Kala, we are both from Hawaii."

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