"Maybe it's because you also enjoyed being accused," Poppy suggests.

"That doesn't mean he shouldn't apologize," I retort.

"I think it does to him," Poppy counters.

Before I can protest further, a sharp rap at the door interrupts our exchange, halting the conversation in its tracks. With a sigh, I reluctantly tear myself away from the mirror.

Approaching the door with cautious steps, I peek out, offering only a glimpse of my presence. I don't want whoever it is to see my dress.

"Miss Hannah, dinner is ready. I've been asked to escort you to the dining room," the omega says.

"Oh, alright, give me a minute," I say, closing the door behind me. I quickly change out of the dress and into my own before heading out the door.

The omega leads me through the corridors, her steps echoing softly against the polished floors as we make our way to the dining room. As I step into the room, I find the Sky Pack Alpha family already seated at the table.

"Hello dear, nice of you to join us. Please, sit," Luna Marley greets, gesturing to the chair opposite Alex.

"Thank you," I murmur softly, the weight of his gaze—or lack thereof—weighing heavily on my conscience as I settle into my seat.

Alpha George gives me a nod when I glance his way. Lorenzo and Cameron glare at me with hatred in their eyes before continuing to eat their food.

As I begin to fill my plate with the offered delicacies, Luna Marely's voice cuts through the din, asking about the fit of the dress.

"Yes," I reply, my voice barely above a whisper, the raspiness of my throat. I notice then that I have a sore throat. My cheeks flush immediately, realizing why my voice was hoarse.

"Oh my goodness dear, what happened to your voice? Is everything alright?" Luna asks, concerned.

"No, everything is fine," I quickly reply, hoping she won't press further.

"Are you sure?" She persists, causing my cheeks to redden even more.

"Yes, I probably just had a sore throat from the sleep I just had," I say, my gaze moving to Alex, wondering if he knew he was the reason why I had lost my voice. Again, he doesn't spare me a glance, just cutting into his chicken in front of him and eating gracefully.

Luna Marley breathes a sigh of relief. "That's okay, just make sure to take care of yourself. We don't want you getting sick before the ceremony."

"I will," I say, finally digging into my food, but I stop at her words once again.

"I heard you're graduating soon. George and I thought it would be nice to gift you and Alex a house in the human part of town. There, you can plan your future together while Alex continues his work in the human world."

"Uhmm... thank you," I stammer, shocked by her words. We weren't even married yet, and they were already gifting us a house. Why did that sound like the worst idea ever?

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