The last time I saw her, she stabbed me. She stabbed me and took off running, in this state where she was high on killing. I tried to chase after her, to find her, to try and help her, but it was useless. She no longer felt anything for me. They stripped her of that. 

I'm in California right now. I've been chasing her since the moment she left me. The only thing she has left behind her is a trail of dead bodies, that's how I've been following her.

Over these past two weeks, she has killed thousands. Maybe even more than that. What they've turned her into, I still believe that she's in there, that she's able to be saved before it's too late. 

"I am so tired of being pulled into this bullshit," Liam complains from the passenger seat.

"What, you think I enjoy being stuck in a car with you for hours?" I reply as I drive. 

She had moved to upper California. In the middle of the night when I saw the dead bodies she left, I started following her.

She lost herself saving me. So, I will lose myself saving her, even at the expense of my life. I still have that goddamn note in my pocket. I read it every night. 

"You could've at least stopped at McDonalds," Liam mutters. "I'm hungry."

"And I don't care."

"You'll care when my stomach won't shut the hell up."

"Then I'll rip it out."

He gives me a dirty look. He says, "Mean."

"I don't understand why I'm here, anyway," he says as we drive down the dark and empty road. 

"Because. I don't believe that she's just gone, that she's going to drop dead," I say. "We can bring her back. You're her closest friend....for some reason. Seeing you may help bring her back." 

Her back. That's all I want. As I drive down this dark road for a girl who does not love me anymore, it becomes a struggle to fight back the tears that want to form in my eyes. I can't help but feel responsible. I should've left her alone, I should've never asked her to come back to my cell, I should've never asked her to help me break out after years of being haunted by her voice. I should've left her alone, but I couldn't. I led her to her own destruction. 

"Something upsetting you, big guy?" Liam questions. It must've shown on my face.

He is the last person I'd talk about my feelings to. Instead of responding, I turn the music up loudly. It's a song I hate. But it's better than being in my own thoughts.

A few hours later, Liam turns the radio off and it's silent for the first time in a long time. 

"I need to go to the bathroom," Liam says.

I ignore him. Because I don't care. I hear him sigh and see him get annoyed. 

"If you don't pull over to let me pee, I'm gonna piss in your car," he says. "Well. The car you stole."

I swear under my breath. He points and says, "Pull over at this house. It's not even out of the way."

Annoying motherfucker. I turn into the driveway of the secluded house. There's a car in the driveway.

"It's 4 in the morning, good luck on getting them to let you in," I say.

"That's why you're going to come with me. Threaten them."

"I'm not-"

"I'm unzipping my pants right now to piss on the dashboard."

"Fine," I open my door. I start to regret bringing him.

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