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Sitting outside in the grass, I look up at the sky, with Atlantic beside me. The sky is beautiful, orange and dark red, it sends a Heavenly glow onto us. I've never really realized how slowly time passes, not until I'm waiting for the clock to turn to the hour that Atlantic can kill them all. The public, they aren't the ones that need to die, although they do see us as monsters. It's people like Maria, the government employees that do, the ones that actually will lock us up in cages if given the opportunity. 

The birds chirp. It was basically spring now, which was always my favorite month. 

"We should go now," I tell him, looking over at his strong side profile. He keeps looking up at the sky. 

"Just a few more minutes," he says. "I want to enjoy this."

I laugh slightly. I tell him, "It's not going to be our last sunset together, Atlantic."

"Yeah, I know," he says, but his tone doesn't really convince me. I give him a confused look as his eyes meet mine. 

"What's wrong?" I ask him. 

"I don't know," he says. He looks down for a moment. "Something just feels off."

I sit differently now, closer to him. I put my hand on his arm as I tell him, "Don't listen to your worries, Atlantic. You are the strongest man on this entire Earth. You'll be able to kill Maria easily, and we'll be free to go wherever we want."

He nods. It still lacks confidence, but he nods. I lean forward and kiss him, my hand on the back of his neck. I kiss him gently, softly, trying to make him not worry. When I pull away, I see myself in his dark eyes, and I look at myself for a moment. 

I can't kill. Not one life can I take, or else this dark feeling inside me will become me. I will be the death of myself, being so consumed, I look at the whites of my eyes knowing that they would turn black forever if I killed just one more time. 

"I will be looking for Maria, we'll spread out, and I will tell you when I find her," I say to him. I wasn't worried about him nor I, I could save either of us if it came to that, I could bring us back from the dead. 

"And I have been thinking about a state," I smile. "And the answer is, I don't care. If you are there, Atlantic, then it's my home."

I get to see one of his rare beautiful smiles. It makes me smile. 

"It will all end tonight," he says. He puts his hand over mine. "I will save you from them, Aria."

It wasn't just them I needed saving from. I also needed saving from myself. This want to kill inside me that has poisoned my want to be good, it's a constant battle, a draining one. But right now, we needed to focus on one battle at a time. 

I used to want a fairytale love. One where I'd have a prince that would save me from all evil. But this, this wasn't a fairytale, this was a story to tell children to scare them. I found my prince, but my prince does not save me from evil, he brings me into it, tainting me. He places his lips against mine once again, as I kiss him back, I can taste the evil that we are. And I love it. 

╰── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╯

With my hood up, I walk in the loud crowd. I found it crazy how much the public trusted Maria. They simply took her word for it, the street was now packed. People bumped into you without care, nearly everybody was drinking, celebrating the potential death of Atlantic and I. 

I make sure to keep my hood up, and my head down. I can't have one person seeing my face. But when I hear every person begin to cheer, I allow myself to look up slightly.

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