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The ocean I was named after has claimed no more lives than I have. We are the same, cold, dangerous, unpredictable.

And yet, I kissed a girl. I kissed a girl with brown eyes and brown hair even though I'm not supposed to feel the want to do that. But I did. The second her lips touched mine, I felt it, I felt it deep inside of me. What is was exactly, I don't know.

I pull my clothes on after my shower, my hair still wet. I look at my reflection in the steamed mirror, swiping my hand across it to be able to see.

I stare at myself. I stare at my black eyes and pale skin, searching for something to be different about me on the outside, since something felt different inside. But I still looked the exact same.

Aria is at work. It's the most boring part of my day. Walking around the house for hours waiting for her to come back. I have to do the stupidest things to pass the time. I've smelt every perfume she owns, organized everything in her closet by colour. I'll lay on the couch for hours, just waiting.

I lay on the couch with my eyes shut. But I'm not sleeping. I listening to the ticking sound of the clock on the wall, I had found it annoying my first night here and broke it but she yelled at me pretty bad. So I won't do it again.

With each tick the clock makes, an image of when I kissed her comes into my head.

My eyes snap open.

I feel something, deep inside of me. I don't know how to describe it, I don't know what emotion it is, but I feel it. It's heavy. I try and think of why I could be feeling like this...feeling this sense of fear, maybe. I rise to my feet, looking around, looking at my hands, but then I realize this feeling is not from me.

"Aria?" I whisper to myself.

I leave the house. I know it's against her orders, but I do. I run in the cold weather, snowflakes hit me as I do while I run to the hospital. I don't know how I know that it's her feeling this, but I just do.

She's scared, I feel it.

I don't stop running, not even for one second. I run the entire way there until I reach the front door. I shatter the glass to get in, making millions of pieces fall to the floor. My head looks in every direction, trying to find where she is.

I follow where my gut is telling me she is. As I run down a hallway, somebody steps out of a room. They see me and gasp, a terrified look in their eyes. They turn to try and run, but I grab them and kill them before they get the chance.

I follow this weird feeling deep inside me until I reach a closed door. I push it open, sending it flying off its hinges.

Aria jumps as I do this. Seeing her there makes this feeling of relief come over me. I breathe, "Aria."

I was too focused on her that I didn't even notice the two police officers standing in this room with her. They both draw their guns, I grab both of them at the same time, killing them to get them away from her. They were the source of her feelings - I could tell. Some blood gets on my shirt and my hair gets messed up from the force I hit both of them to the ground with.

"Atlantic?!" Aria finally speaks. She only speaks once the officers are dead. I look up at her for a moment before standing to my full height, her big brown eyes following me as I did so. "What the hell are you doing!"

"They scared you," I say quietly. I don't want to also scare her. Her eyebrows tug together, she's confused, and so am I.

"They..." she starts, but pauses to take a deep breath to calm down. "They were questioning me - about the night you got out, about the award ceremony, they were questioning me like they knew it was me."

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