Ch.9 | Deja vu

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Right now, Nat and Y/n were both in the bathroom (no, not in the way you think), just when the last chapter ended.

Nat's POV:

I turned the water in the bathtub on and told Y/n to undress herself. She slowly took off everything, but her lingerie. "Детка, I know you find it embarassing, but let me tell you that I was the one dressing you when you were unconscious", I reassured her, "There's nothing of you I haven't seen, but I could make a bubble bath if you liked. So you can cover yourself, y'know". She just nodded, blushing hard. I smirked innerly, not showing it though, so she wouldn't be even more embarrassed.

When I had the bubble bath ready, I asked Y/n if she could get inside on her own and left to get her clothes for later

I returned to the bathroom to see Y/n in the bathtub, covered in bubbles and her lingerie on a pile with her other clothes. She seemed quite happy.

"Do you want me to wash your hair?" I asked her. She startled a bit but relaxed shortly after and nodded in a way I could see it from behind.

time skip. Y/n put on the clothes Nat had given her and Nat helped Y/n get to Nat's bed

A bit later we were both laying against the cupboard facing the TV. Did we have Deja vu from like two months earlier? I asked Y/n what to watch and this time she requested «B99 S5 E17». After that she sung: "Do you get Deja vu, huh?" and I just laughed. She actually remembered. Though I was concerned about the song. I've never heard it before. Probably just from her universe.

"What song is that? And does B99 also exist in your universe?" - "Well the song is called «Deja vu» and is from Olivia Rodrigo out of the year 2021. So no wonder that you've never heard it before. Yes, B99 does exist in my universe, just as most other things I saw on Netflix here. I love that episode by the way. I'm not as tired as last time, so I'll probably see this whole episode but not much more". I smiled and was glad to hear her being happy.

She predicted pretty well. About five minutes into the following episode, she fell asleep. I continued the episode and turned the TV off when it was over. Not much later, I fell asleep as well.

time skip to the next day

Third person's POV:

This time Y/n woke up first. When she realized that she was cuddled to Nat's chest, she slowly got out of the bed, as quiet as possible.

She stood up, using the wall as help and this time, didn't fall through her knees. She practiced walking along the walls until she reached the door. The door was opened carefully and Nat was left alone in her room.

Y/n POV:

I actually managed to walk. I couldn't believe it. Outside of Ms Romanoff's room, I closed the door behind me and searched for a way to get to the kitchen without being seen. I was really hungry, but if I got caught? That wouldn't end well.

When I heard steps coming my way, I looked for a hiding spot and spotted the vent above me. When I tried to get up there, I noticed that I could fly. Cyan sparks were around my hand. Stunned, I managed to get into the vent and close it right before Mr Rogers arrived at Ms Romanoff's door. That was close!

'Shit! If he goes inside now, they'll notice that I am gone.' Before his hand reached the handle, I created a snowball, levitated it to a corner and threw it at his head from there. He didn't dodge. His face looked so funny. He looked around, probably to see where that snowball could've come from, only to find nothing. I heard him mutter "Damn you, Barton" and then he made his way into the direction the snowball hit him from. Pranks really are funny.

Fortunately, he went into the opposite direction of the kitchen, so I first created a «Do not disturb» sign out of anything I could find and then hung it to Ms Romanoff's door. Then I went back into the vent and made my way to the kitchen.

After a while, I arrived over the kitchen. On the counter was a plate with many pancakes and Wanda stood with her back to it making even more pancakes. Perfect! She didn't suspect a thing. I even wondered how she didn't feel my presence.

I slightly opened the vent, and made half the pancakes fly to me into the vent. I was starving, so I started eating them right away. After a few minutes Wanda turned around and saw that some pancakes were gone and freaked out.

she screamed so loud, I covered my ears and could still hear her very clearly.

'I just hope that scream didn't wake Ms Romanoff up or I would be dead. If my actions were revealed, I would be triple dead. Or four times? I mean, Clint is getting all the suspicions. Nah, I could probably make him forgive me by helping him prank people. But the others? They shall never know'
I thought, having already left the kitchen, as I didn't want Wanda to hear my thoughts. I would be screwed!

This chapter is a bit shorter again, I know, but I am out of ideas. I don't want Civil War to happen, but I don't have any other plans... What have you got? Should I write Civil War or make it not happen? Or anything else? Next part in a while :/

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