Ch.4 | Problems

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Nat's POV:

I was right. Several minutes into the first episode we watched (Season 5, Episode 17), she fell asleep with her head resting on my shoulder.

Though it was «only» 11pm, I decided to get some rest aswell. I gently placed Y/n's head onto the soft pillow and fell into a dreamless sleep.

The next morning I woke up at 7am, since we still had to discuss about Ultron in the lab. Y/n was still sleeping, so I quietly left the room, locking the door behind me, for safety reasons.

time skip to after the talk about Ultron in the lab (sorry not sorry)
and Nat telling them the basic information she's got of Y/n which you've read earlier.

When we were done talking, I went to check on Y/n.

When I opened the door, I saw her staring into space sitting on the floor. She didn't seem to have noticed me.

"What's wrong y/n?" I asked her, she was startled by my sudden appearance.

"Nothing" she whispered.

"Don't lie. Are you homesick?"

"Y-Yeah. What if I won't see my family ever again?"

"Then you could stay with us and be part of our family, but you will see them again, I know that".

She stayed quiet, a little smile presenting itself on her face.

"Come on, how about you help us?" I eventually asked her.

The more help the better. For some reason, I trusted her. There seeme to be some kind of connection between us. She just nodded and followed me.

little time skip to the lab

Before they could ask, why she was in the room too, I told them, that we needed any help we could possibly get and reassured them, that she had no reason to betray us. After they finally accepted the fact, that I wasn't going to give up, we searched for information.

Time skip to on the quinjet on the way to the dude selling vibranium. If you don't remember the movie, long story short: Ultron killed Strucker and deleted any internet-files of him, so they searched through papers of people that could know what Ultron was hiding from them and found that dude, who also happens to be known by Tony.
Btw Y/n is on the jet aswell, because they didn't want her to stay at the tower alone.

Y/n POV:

Since we were almost at our destination, they discussed the plan. I was supposed to stay in the quinjet with Dr. Banner, waiting for the others to return.

Shortly later we were alone in the quinjet. Dr. Banner positioned himself in the hangar while I stood in the corner, almost unnoticable.

After a while though, the Maximoff twins came here and Wanda was in Dr. Banner's mind. He turned into the Hulk and ran away. Since they looked around the jet, they noticed me and I was in Pietro's grip standing in front of Wanda before I could even blink with my eyes.

"Who are you kid?" Pietro asked me.

The stubborn me, of course, didn't answer. That wasn't a good move from me as I felt Wanda entering my mind. I felt her looking through all my memories and I couldn't do anything about it.

"You have powers like we do. I didn't just see you using them, I feel them and they are strong. You could be a great asset" she then told me.

"I don't really have much of a choice, do I?" I sarcastically replied.

"You can either come with us willingly or we bring you forcefully. Your choice" he said now.

"Fine, what do I have to lose anyways."

Time skip to 'Ultron's' lab before the stone was inserted into Vision's head.

"Who's this?" Ultron asked.

"She was with the Avengers, but not willingly. I looked in her mind and saw, that she also has powers. They are very strong, but she can't control them, yet." Wanda explained.

"Then I'll have to help her control them" he said, and with that the scepter took «control» of me.

My mind expanded, but somehow it was like I had two sides which argued on who gets full control, meaning I had half control. I decided not to show that, because it didn't seem like a good idea, at all.

Time skip again. What happened? Wanda saw what Ultron actually planned, so they left, but couldn't take Y/n with them, as she was letting Ultron control her. He made her fight with the powers (after he removed the damper) she before didn't know how to control.

What are her powers you might ask?
-force fields
-healing, but it drains her much
-telekinesis (with cyan sparks)
-anything with ice (like Elsa hehe)
... and more, that are undiscovered for now, even by Wanda and Ultron - let's say: unachieved.

Guess I had several powers. Unfortunately, they only obeyed the «bad side» of me, so I couldn't do anything about attacking the others.

Ultron left with «his Vision» how he called it and I had to stay there, because he knew somebody was going to come for Helen and I was supposed to attack them first.

As I was hidden behind a lab table, Steve came and talked to Helen. When they were done talking, I came out of my hiding spot and shot an ice dagger at him. He was so surprised, that he didn't manage to shield it. But because he was a superhuman, it didn't hurt him much, mostly pushed him back.

He immediately threw his shield at me. My telekinesis stopped it mid-air and flung it right back to him. He catched it and ran straight towards me. I ran away from him, trying to lead him away from where Ultron was planning on driving to.

While running, I stole a motorcycle and jumped on it. I've never driven one before, but Ultron seemed to know, how to do it. Steve took a motorcycle aswell, but drove a different way and I didn't see him anymore.

Much has happened in this chapter... I know. I'm sorry if you don't like that, but I am just too lazy to write every single detail of the movie where Y/n is absent. But don't worry, the story will hopefully be quite long.
Write to ya later, alligator!

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