Ch.5 | Fight

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It seemed as Steve didn't follow me anymore.
Well that wasn't good for Ultron... I'd say, I was happy about it, but it would mean that somebody else is gonna take care of me and I might not be able to just drive away and instead have to attack them against my will.

I drove in the direction of Ultron's truck as he figured that Steve had reached him there.

After breaking a few road laws, I almost reached it, only to see Nat jumping into the truck, as Ultron wasn't in it anymore. I still managed to jump inside before Ultron's robots lifted the back of the truck into the air making it fly.

"Y/n what are you doing here? Well, doesn't matter, help me push this into the quinjet."

"No can do"


"I', I have been compromised" I said my own side taking control of my face actions.

"Which you am I talking to then?"

"Talking, to the one on your side, fighting, against the other one" I replied pushing her to the wall with my telekinesis and adding:

"I'm sorry. This isn't me!"

"I believe you, now please try to gain more control, so this... uh... box can land in the quinjet".

The only idea that came to my mind was, to jump out. That way, I wouldn't be able to harm or distract anyone in any way.

"Goodbye Ms Romanoff" I said using all my strength to gain as much control as possible while moving her and the box into the quinjet with my telekinesis and jumping out into the air myself.

The resisting against Ultron drained me so much that I passed out mid-air before my other side could take over.

Clint's POV:

Right when the box landed in the quinjet, Ultron came and took Nat with him. Fuck! We also had a kid falling from a life-threatening height... just great.

"Uhm... could anyone catch the kid? She's falling, unconscious and dead soon, if nobody does anything about it!" I called into the comms.

"On it." Tony said and catched her a few feet over the ground. That was close.

time skip to Avengers tower, right after Vision was «born» like in the movie.
Y/n was laying that whole time on a couch with a power damper around her neck this time, still unconscious.

Wanda's POV:

Y/n was still unconscious. I'm glad she managed to use her telekinesis on her own. Though she could've died if it wasn't for Iron Man and his suit.

While we were making ourselves ready to go to Sokovia to fight Ultron, Y/n woke up, not fully aware of her surroundings.

"Wh-What happened? Am I not dead?" she asked.

"No, because I catched you before you could hit the ground. How much control do you have over yourself?" Tin can, aka Tony Stark, replied.

"I'm not quite sure. As long as I have a power damper, I feel like I have more control, but still not all. Maybe about 75%?" she answered partly to herself.

"I could try to break the control, as I managed with Helen. If that's successful, she can come with us and help. Her powers seem to have some similarities to mine, so I could teach her a bit on the jet." I offered.

After a few murmurs of okays, I went to Y/n.

"Is it alright with you if I try to break the control? Since it had access to your powers, I might need to go further into your mind to remove it." I told her. She just nodded.

I went into her mind and found it. It was strong, but it seemed as Y/n was even stronger. I used my own controlling power to fight against Ultron's and eventually managed to break it.

"All done" I called out for everyone to hear.

Y/n POV:

God, my head really hurt.

"Do I still need the damper then? How am I supposed to help you with it?" I said quietly, but loud enough for them to hear.

"I'll deactivate it while you train and when we're in Sokovia, but it stays on you, understood?" Mr Stark replied.

I again just nodded.

time skip again. In the jet Wanda teached Y/n to handle the powers she's used for now. Mostly telekinesis and force fields, but also the basics about her ice power. Healing didn't get to use in the training and others are still undiscovered.

I was tasked to stay by Wanda's side and help her the whole time. The city began to rise into the sky.

We fought many robots, but when I almost got hit in the back without seeing it, Pietro saved me last second and dropped me in front of the last big jet which was there to bring people to safety.

He told me to go on, but I didn't listen, as I knew what would happen and I didn't want Pietro to die just yet. Even if it would cause a Nexus event, I didn't care. I had changed this story so much already, it didn't really matter. The future events that would've been like the movies that followed, couldn't be the same anyways, as I was a part of this one.

Then it happened. Mr Barton ran to the boy that wasn't on the jet yet and picked him up. Ultron flought in a jet and shot everywhere. Mr Barton thought he would die as the shots came closer and closer to him, but Pietro was in the way.

Or was he really?

Only five chapters and one movie almost over. That's little... :(( How do you like this cliffhanger? I love it :) Hehe xD

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