01. First Day Gossips

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The day started off with me getting late to school. Oh, please.... It happened only this one time, trust me! (Well, excluding the earlier late attendances of mine in the previous months) I walked into the classroom sweating and panting for breath.

"Ma—may I come in, Ma'am," I managed, catching my breath and mustering my sweetest tone.
Our teacher gave me a knowing glare. She didn't even ask the reason why I was late. She's definitely got used to all my possible excuses by now. But still, if she, any day, wanted a reason, I have very believable ones prepared, at the tip of my tongue.

"Of course you may, Monica. There's no point not letting you enter anyway, since you're already here. " She drawled. What a pathetic attempt at sarcasm.

I nodded politely and rushed to my dear friends at the back of the classroom as they all gave me a cheeky smile, while the other students simply acknowledged me with a polite nod, and I too, kindly returned the gesture.

Oh! how rude of me to not yet introduce myself. I am Monica Williams, from London. I am a sixteen- year old, eleventh grader from the prestigious and one-and-only Lady Queen High (est. 1856). From the previous events, well it might be pretty clear that I am err a bit of a careless, clumsy and suck-up freak. And I wouldn't deny, because, yes, I am indeed all of that. A pretty abnormal combination, to be frank. I don't have a choice now do I? I am one of the fore runners of my class in the academic field. And I pretty much enjoy the attention and importance that people give me due to my academics excellence. I'm also an only child. My Mum's British and my Dad's Irish. They are officially the most loving parents ever! I have my fair share of limitations,as well. Now, come on, we are all mere humans and it's natural that we are not perfect, right? No one is perfect. Similarly, I am, I fear to admit, but a bit slow. Blame it on my dire craving for perfection, but things I take up or execute HAVE to be perfect, no matter what the time limit or the given criteria are. I want my jobs to be executed, flawlessly. Yeah, I know, it's dorky. Take today for instance, I couldn't bear the tiny crease on my uniform and ironed it for the millionth time until it was 'perfect'. It's sick, yes, but I'm just human. That's how I comfort myself for my tardiness.

Now back to the story, I settled down in my seat beside my friend, Sienna. Lady Queen High is an all girls school, must I add. And while that might sound a bit stereotypical, but it's not at all bad. Atleast, to the girls in here. We all seem to absolutely love female company, and maybe a little too much at that, if I'm being honest.

My gang of friends are the top tier students of our class, and experts in their fields. To me, they are perfect and not even the Almighty could make me think otherwise. The four of us are very similar in our thoughts and mindsets, and we instantly clicked. Our parents are best friends and I've been knowing them literally from their cribs!

Take Sienna for example. She is my academic rival. Crazy right? But we are the closest friends, inseparable to be exact. Like Siamese twins, for clearer understanding. There's no jealousy or vengeance if one of us gets better marks, this is a positive peer pressure, if one does fairly well, the other does better. We have a sweet competition. Sometimes, I secure the first position, while other times it's her. We practically dominate the academic wing. And we revel in this supremacy. No, if you might be thinking, we aren't typically, nerds. Frankly speaking, studying is the last thing we'd want to do during weekends— Netflix or shopping, always sounds better. But teh trick was, we were responsible, as students, hence the good grades.

Then we have Anastasia. A real life female version of Pablo Picasso. She literally drew life into her sketches. A very valuable asset for Lady Queen High, I must admit. She's extremely sweet as a person, though. Practically the kindest soul, I've ever met. Soft spoken, polite, and with a gentle smile always lingering at her lips. She doesn't judge or talk bad about any one. She just can't. She's perhaps the connoisseur of goodness. We adored her.

Lastly we have Angelina. She is perhaps the greatest friend, anyone could ever ask for. And I mean it, in every sense of the word. She's the kind, who always lifts up you mood whenever you're having a bad day, without even having to ask her to. Angelina will always be there to motivate you when you are down, always there to hear you out when you're frustrated or procrastinating. She won't judge you. She won't be disgusted when you open up to her about your deepest, darkest, thoughts and worries. She'll be there and give you some real, logical advice. She is a great speaker and has a very uplifting voice which will make you want to keep listening to her, and share everything that's worrying you.

You could say that I'm eternally grateful for these dorks.

" Heyaa Gurlie " Sienna greeted, clearly excited on seeing me. She must have thought that I'd be skipping school today, given my lateness.

" Heyyy Sin, what's up, I've missed y'all so much over the weekend " I greeted back, a smile plastered on my lips.

" Aww Mou we missed you so much too. By the way, I have some really spicy tea to share, I just got to know about it today! And it's going to throw y'all off your seat girls, I've been dying to share this with all morning!"
Angelina squealed brimming with energy and excitement, she was always the social butterfly and gossips reached her pretty easily.

" Ohhh tell me about it, I've been dying for some tea." Anastasia said hopefully, encouraging her.

" Yeah gurl tell me already, or I'mma murder some petty human being right now. Tea is my drug!" Sienna added, feigning her very-unrealistic-gangster-tone.

" Yes Ang just spill the beans, will you gurl.... Don't leave me needy for tea, I might have a heart attack, or else." I said, dramatically clutching my chest, as my interest had suddenly piqued.

" Yeah yeah guys, but brace yourselves, I'm warning you... So Genevieve Sawyer and Betty Odell kissed " She squealed, way too excited to finally let the cat out of the bag.

"Excuse me wha-"

"What the actual fu-"

"Are you seriou-"

All three of us gaped for a moment when suddenly realization hit us. We gasped.

"You mean Genevieve Sawyer, THE GENEVIEVE SAWYER?!?!? OUR MOST TALENTED BALLERINA?!?? " Sienna whisper-screamed exuberantly.

" And Betty Odell, like the Betty Odell whom, everyone had a crush on until she declared that she's straight and oh hell— in a stable relationship?!?! " I continued, making sure no one could hear us, as I had trouble believing my ears.
Gossip in a girls' school is precious, might I add.

Anastasia followed suit, seemingly terrified, " They kissed? like 'kiss' kissed, like you do, I mean like you do on the lips with your tongue and- "

Before Anastasia could complete her very visual description of a 'kiss', Angelina cut her off confirming all our stuck up thoughts.

" Yes they kissed! The kiss on lips! Can y'all believe it? It took me minutes to register that information. It happened as a truth or dare. Dare was Genevieve's. Sources also mentioned that it was insanely hot and both were a blushing mess after the kiss!!! "

"Oh my holy heavens"..... All of us squealed like mad women and got a few suspicious glances thrown our way, but who cared? THIS, was more important.

After a few funny minutes, of processing this new found information, and when the previous shock and excitement had settled down among us, I finally commented " Our school should officially change it's name to Rainbow High, it's been too long. "

Sienna seconded my opinion thoughtfully "Actually bro, this is potentially a breeding ground, I repeat, a fucking breeding ground for gays, bisexuals, lesbians, transgenders and queers and what not... " She smirked.

Angelina and Anastasia nodded, still smiling with a hint of naughtiness in their faces.

The teacher finally turned to the board, interrupting our juicy discussion, as the first bell rang, indicating that classes were about to begin. First class was Chemistry, as all the students groaned and took out their books and stationery.
" Students, turn to page 147 and take down the notes that I'll writing on the board..." She drawled.

Proceeding to arrange my Chemistry book and pens, neatly, on my table, I wondered— this was definitely going to be a hell of a year. My gut was telling me.


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