He's back(!)

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Monday morning.

Some may say it's the worst day. And Jo would agree.

Joanna Elsinore was a former popular princess. She had the looks and, depending on the class, the knowledge. However,

20 minutes into the morning she's already sat on a hard, uncomfy, plastic chair outside Ms Perky's office.

"Who would've guessed you'd be out here so early?" The voice makes Jo roll her eyes, recognising it as Patrick Verona's instantly.

"Oh! And I would've assumed you'd already be in the office getting suspended. So I guess we're both full of surprises." Jo exclaimed sarcastically, refusing to look up from her camera which she was absentmindedly clicking through.

"Always a good laugh, aren't you?" Verona said clearly pissed off.

A thud makes the pairs eyes snap to the office door. A new boy stumbles out and is met with a deadpan Patrick. After about two seconds of awkward eye contact the new boy hurries off.

Jo lets out a laugh at Verona as he sends her his signature 'dont push me' look.

"Patrick Verona!" Ms Perky reads, clearly not impressed. Which makes Jo smile as she knows he's about to have a hard time with the teacher.

"Andd Joanna Elsinore? Is she out there?" Hearing her name makes her smile instantly drop.

Patrick leans back, outside the doorway, with a smirk on his face.

"Fuck you Verona" Jo whispers loud enough for him to hear.

"I see both of you are making these visits a weekly ritual" Ms Perky states.

"Only so we can have these moments together. Shall I.. er.. hit the lights?" Verona says.

"Wow. Smooth, ALMOST banging a teacher." Jo says with an unimpressed look.

"Now, Now. Says here you 'exposed yourself in the school cafeteria'?" Ms Perky voices, earning a smirk from Jo and a deep sigh from Verona.

"I was joking with the lunch lady. It was a bratwurst."

"Bratwurst?" Ms Perky moves off of her desk and slowly looks him up and down,"Aren't we the optimist."

A burst of laugher escapes Jo, resulting in a confused, disgusted look from Verona.

"Now. Miss Joanna. Smacking Mr Joey Donner because he's a 'self righteous pig' isn't going to look good for you."

"Well, I actually said 'dick' but pig is also good." Jo states almost proudly.

"Next time keep your hands to your self, and you," She turns now to Patrick,"Keep your hands off yourself"

"SCOOT!" Ms Perky yells making both Jo and Verona jump.

Jo is quick to leave, having spent long enough with Verona before they start fighting.

Jo reads her class schedule. English. No way. Usually Jo and Kat would ace that class together, however since Mr kangaroo decided to show up, they argue most of the lesson.

Jo was not in the mood for that. Kat would understand.

Kat and Jo had been best friends their entire lives.
In the last 4 years, Joanna had being living with the Stratford's.
Joanna's home life was not sunshine and rainbows at all. It got to the point where Kats house was the only place she went when she needed help.

Kat had always been there, so when her mother left, Joanna was there for Kat and Bianca.

They shared the same views on everything and everyone. Many people disliked them and the pair loved it.

At one point in time they were the most popular girls in school. Everyone adored them, followed them around like sheep. Kat dated Joey (who did not develop to be cool at all) and Jo was known as 'the party girl'. Kat and Jo- IT girls.

Then joey got weird with them both and now Jo and Kat are seen as some crazy witches.

Thats how they like it. Witches is much better than Popular bitches.

The funny thing is they were replaced with Kats little sister, Bianca. The difference between them is, Bianca loves the spotlight and everything that comes with it. Joey Donner. Thats what comes with it.

After they got pushed from the popularity scale, Kat and Jo put all their spare time into music. Since they were little theyd had dreams of preforming and smashing shit like men. They mainly just make small songs but as soon as the opportunity hits, they want to play club skunk.

"Elsinore where the fuck were you?!" Kats voice rang out, making Jo flinch, "English first period. Oh my gosh absolutely awful, Sir literally sent me to Ms Perky and we all know how she is."

"I had a run in with Verona and I was NOT feeling English at all. But dont freak out because I wrote a song to try-"

"-No way. While I was suffering against the oppression of Joey 'eat me' Donner you were bashing music. I can't believe you." Kat says laughing.

"Look Kitty Kat im so super sorry I wasn't battling the bitch with you" Jo pulls a fake sad face earning a shove from Kat, "But I think youll like the makings of it. For sure-"

"-Heyy." An annoying voice chimed in, music blasting from his stereo.

"Your little ranbo look is out Kat. Didn't you read last months cosmo?"

"Run along"

Joey peers over, "Ohh and Jo- I mean gorgeous as ever. Even that slap just made me-"

"If you dont start driving im gonna scratch this disgusting paint job." Jo glares at him.

"And thats a promise, not a threat." Kat adds on.

Joey pulls away looking slightly pissed off, making Jo and Kat laugh.

"Aint no way," Jo says pointing ahead of them.

Kat and Jo watch as Bianca steps into joeys car and gets in his back seat.

"That is disgusting." Kat gags.

"God! The only thing getting me through this week is the concert on Friday." Jo exasperates gaining a laugh from Kat.

.perfect all american bitch.          .Patrick Verona.Where stories live. Discover now