First time ever hostage

Start from the beginning

"Great, first day leading the quest. Just great." She mumbled angrily.

"We'll get there." Lilia replied, "We'll find the workshop before Luke does."

"How do you do it?" Annabeth asked, searching for some kind of emotion in Lilia's face.

"What?" Lilia gave her a puzzled look.

"Act like he meant nothing to you. He practically raised you Lili."

"He left me, us. How can you sit here and still defend him." Lilia shrugged, anger bubbling inside her.

"He was like a brother to me Lili, I can't let go of hope." She said shakily. Lilia hated it, she hated that he still had a grip on Annabeth, could she not see all the damage he's causing.

"We weren't as close as you guys, if I pretend he meant nothing, it will be easier to fight him when we come face to face."

"That's not true though. You guys were closer, you spent  everyday together for almost four years. I wasn't at camp for most of that." Annabeth had a look in her eyes. Almost like she was trying to pry the emotions out of the girl.

"What's your point?" Lilia said, trying her best to hold herself together.

"My point is, you knew Luke better than anyone, and i just don't understand why you're giving up on him." Annabeth's continued, "if anyone can get him back it's you."

"Annie, No. if he truly cared about either of us, he wouldn't have done this." She sighed.

"He changed when you disappeared. He got colder."

"Annabeth, please just stop." Lilia shook her head, her legs bouncing up and down.

"I just don't think we should give up on him so easily." Annabeth sighed. Neither of them said anything else, an air of sadness and anger consumed them.

"You should get some rest." Lilia said quietly. "I'll keep watch."

Annabeth sighed, she knew not to argue with Lilia, she was the most stubborn person she knew, so Annabeth got up and lay herself down near Grover.

Lilia sat watching the dark corridor nervously, her breath hitching anytime she heard movement, which was a lot.

Percy watched her from where he was sat, he watched as her eyes darted nervously around the darkness. Slowly he got up and sat beside her, shining his light so he could see her.

"Hey." His voice was soft and brought a massive amount of comfort to the girl. "Why don't you have your torch?"

"Didn't want to wake them." She said tilting her head to the others.

"How noble of you." He joked.

She gave him a small smile, while fidgeting with whisperer. Percy examined it. It was a small gold bangle shaped like a bow, engraved on it were small stars going across the band along with the name 'psithyristís'.

"Whisperer." Percy's ran his finger lightly over the word, translating it from Ancient Greek. "It's gold." He stated his eyebrows furrowing.

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