29 : Adventurer Ath

Start from the beginning

"This is?"

I eclipse stepped not having any motivation to talk anymore.

But I came back to his office again just after a second.

"W-what is it again?"

Caspian said confused about why I returned.

"What's the best inn here in Dicathen?"

"Why are you speaking like you don't live here? And it's the Regia inn located in Xyrus. Only high nobles can afford it and it's rare for them to have customers as it's in the far left side of the city."

"How much per night?"

"It depends, it's one gold per night at the lowest floor and it's ten at the top."

"Hmm, I see. Then how can I identify this inn?"

"You'll recognize it once you see it."

"Then how much will an S-rank core be if I sell it here?"

"That would be a ton of gold Mr. Ath. Why are you asking?"

"Just asking."

“Ah! Mr. Ath. Take this. I would need to call you sometime or maybe you'll need something for me.

It is a communication scroll. I grabbed it and stored it in my ring. Apparently this is expensive here in Dicathen but this guy seems to have a lot of it. Maybe it's the perks of being a manager of the best adventurer guild branch in the continent.

“Well then goodbye."

I eclipse stepped for who knows how many times and reached the left end of the city. Caspian isn't wrong, I'll recognize this building once I see it. Four floors and a shining finish on the walls. This definitely is the inn that he mentioned.

Its architecture is not bad but they definitely focused on making this building shiny. The building is built with white and gold designs and has guards on the side of the main door.

I walked inside and the guards didn't stop me, maybe because of my outfit. I looked down on myself and yes it looks damn expensive.

I headed towards the receptionist who was a brunette woman who's quite tall for a Dicathian. Maybe because of the Vritra blood in them, Alacryans have a higher height compared to Dicathen in both men and women.

"Hello sir, how may I help you? "

I didn't answer and dropped a pouch full of gold. She looked shocked and opened the pouch and started counting.

"Sir, may I ask what floor do you want to stay in?"

"The top"

"Then you can stay there for five and a half days sir."

"That's okay."

"May I ask what your name is?"

"It's Ath"

"Last na-

"I don't have one."

"Then what is your occupation? We need this so we can ensure that you didn't steal this amount of money."

"I am an AA-rank adventurer."

"Oh! That makes sense. Adventuring pays high but it has a lot of risk involving it."


"Adventurer Ath, you can now go to the fourth floor and your room is the third one from the hallway."

“What about the key?"

“About that, the key is on the door handle. It's the fourth floor so only four rooms are in there. They're usually rich so they won't care about breaking into an unlocked room. Of course, once you get the key you can keep it until your rent time is out."

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