First and (probably) last step into UA

Start bij het begin

"Uh- Follow me?" he mumbled, glancing nervously at angry Bakugo. They were definitely even weirder together.

Midoriya smiled, walking right behind the man. He grabbed his friend under the arm, continuing to hold him off the ground. Which resulted in constant swearing.

Bakugo finally let go, relaxing muscles in Midoriya's grip. It didn't make any sense. He will take revenge later. And that revenge will be so, so sweet.

If they won't end up in some kind of white van. He still has a bad feeling. And apparently that bad feeling is named 'Yagi'.


Finally, the three of them stopped. Luckily, Bakugo was already on his feet. Apparently Izuku didn't want to end up with a bitten arm.

Also, the two of them just started at bulding in front of them.



"Hell-" ended Bakugo, with widened eyes.

"Please tell me that the white van is behind UA."

"What van?" asked Yagi, looking very confused.

"No van!" Izuku squealed, smacking hand on Katsuki's mouth.

The blonde looked at him angrily. Smoke was already pouring from his hand, ready to bite off his friend's hand. And Izuku liked his hand. Thank you very much.

"Mr. Yagi, what are we doing at UA...?" Izuku asked finally, tightening his hands on the strap of the bag.

"Oh, I didn't tell you? I'm working here!" Yagi smiled. He totally didn't see the expression on Midoriya's face.


"Oh fucking no-"

At the Bakugo's words, Toshinori looked at them again. Midoriya was literally shaking with excitement. His tail waved so fast you could barely see it. And the eyes were so big that Yagi couldn't stop seeing the image of the excited black cat.

And Katsuki didn't give a shit about it. He rather looked annoyed.

"Oi Zuku, stop that! Damm, you'll get stuck in the tree again" he sighed, crossing his arms.

This stopped Izuku.

"Oh, right- Sorry! I get overexcited!" he mumbled, squishing his hands. He really tried to act normal. But his waving tail shows everything.

Yagi blinked twice. Then he chuckled quietly.

"Right! It isn't easy to forget your fan side" he joked, looking amused at the younger ones "But let's go, boys! We shouldn't make him wait!" he added, walking towards the gates.

Midoriya beamed brighter, and quickly ran after the man. Katsuki reluctantly followed him. Someone needs to keep an eye on him.

And that definitely won't be that Yagi guy.

But then Midorya stopped right at the line of the gate. He looked unsure.

"Something's wrong Young Midorya?"

Toshinori stopped, and looked at him with questions.

"Um... Can we enter UA? We aren't students... And I heard that the security system is... Quite hard" he mumbled nervously, looking around. He probably checks where the cameras are.

"Don't worry about it!" Yagi smiles, placing hands on his hips "You won't get harm here! If I'm bringing someone, then you are definitely thrustworthy. Not sure about your friend..."

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