(5.) Aftermath

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The aftermath of EP 12
Introducing EP 13 HAHAHA
This won't be following the manga, this is an inspired idea :)

Rae decided to use her knowledge from her old world to invent some new things, For boredom :) hehe, and to help boost things up and to help her.

This was inspired by a Ao3 fix where Rae made herself a pair of glasses :) unfortunately I don't know who made it :(

Sorry for the delay and Thanks Fluid135, for requesting! :)
!Long chapter!

3RD person POV:)

Rae was in her room, sitting down on chair. looking at the wall and pouting in thought while kicking her foot.

She opened up a empty notebook she just bought, it was pretty good for a cheap notebook.

she started writing a few things down. during class she was writing things down with the same notebook.
the things she wrote down wasn't notes for homework or even related to school.

the stuff she wrote down were things from the real world, she was planning to try replicate some real world stuff, but unfortunately the lack of resources and tools she needs to make them. for now, she's doing the easy ones.

"Hmm.. maybe I can make this..?"

"Make what?" Claire asks, Rae yelped in surprise, she placed her hand to her chest.

"Goodness miss claire, you startled me!" Rae laughed it off nervously.

"i geuss that's a repayment for the times YOU've startled me." claire crossed her arms.

Rae giggled softly before continuing to write on her notebook. "What are you even writing on your notebook? those symbols are not even recognizable. Are they just random nonsense?"

(headcanon) Rae tends to write personal stuff in Japanese, since in this world Japan doesn't exist. or maybe it does and maybe named something else... and since the characters in the game aren't familiar with Japanese, she could hide some secrets or log date her experiences in revolution without anyone knowing she's from another world HEHHEHEHE.

"Huh? oh, hehe.. yeah, I was bored and I don't really wanna pay attention.." Rae tried to act it off, Claire sighed.

"You should sometimes to pay attention Rae, whether you like it or not."

"Would you lend me your notes miss claire pweaseeee~?" rae pouted. "... f-fine!"

... a few hours later, class ended and it was recess. once again. Rae was writing stuff in the same notebook.

"Care to share your thoughts?" Claire raised her brow, Rae looked up at her. "Hm? O-Oh! this? Uhh it's nothing.. literally." Rae showed her the pages of 'Unknown' writings.

"Yes, I can see that.. what's so important about that notebook thats making you whisper stuff under your breath while writing and not listening while I'M talking?" Claire asks. putting emphasis on the 'Im'

Rae gasped, "miss claire! if you wanted my attention you could've just asked ya know~?" claire gritted her teeth. "Can you stop changing the subject and get back to the topic please?!"

"G'Aww.. Fineee, It's just some drawings and other stuff nothing else much." Rae handed the notebook.

Claire snatched it and took a quick look, she ignored the Japanese writing since she couldn't understand it, she seemed to be interested in the drawings. "These look.. surprisingly good..? what are these things?" claire seemed intrigued.

"Just nothing, stuff that popped in my head that's all." Rae tried to play it off, gently snatching her notebook back. "How can you think of 'stuff' like this?" Claire raised her brow.

"It's just random thoughts.." and just like that, Rae left. "Hmm..." claire hummed to herself.

"Wait, Commoner! where are you going?! your supposed to go with me today! Hey!"


hours later, Rae was alone In the dorm with again. the notebook, she was following her own instructions written, she was making herself a pair of glasses!

Rae's POV:

This should work well, hopefully. the lenses were hard to work on, Since eyeglasses here were like recently just made, I could've bought one. but I'm a commoner and those glasses weren't as good compared to the modern one I had.

Just for peeps who don't know, I don't have good eyesight. at first. I was kinda shock I could see well without them when I first got reincarnated in the game, but as time passed by my horrible vision started to Come in.

For example. i accidentally grabbed the milk pitcher instead of the tea pot.. and that time I was reciting the wrong page infront of the class. I can't handle this Embarrassment.

After connecting the lenses carefully into the body. it was finished.

"Ahh thank God.." I put them on and looked into the mirror. "I don't look any different." I said to myself.

The next day, other students were staring at me, and it just so happens to get the attention of rod and yu. "Heyya Rae!" Rod was the first to speak.

"Wow! Are those the newly invented 'eyeglasses'? they look different from the ones I saw." Yu took a closer look by leaning in, I gently pulled myself away.

"Yes they are..! I just made myself a version. homemade.." I tried to play it off.

"That's pretty impressive for a commoner.. you really are full of surprises Rae." rod shrugged and smirked. wipe it off your face..

"Well, we all three should get going to class. Wanna come Rae?" Yu smiled. I had no choice but to say yes. since we're all in the same class in the first period.

"Yeah sure let's go.."

as I entered the half filled class more eyes stared at me. more like my glasses.

"Rae! You were supposed help me get ready..!" claire crossed her arms and sat next to me.

"Oh miss claire! I so sorry! please forgive me!!" I begged and hugged her tightly, this time claire didn't push omme away or pull herself away, she just took the hug.

"Okay I-i accept your apology! please stop were in public.." claire panicked slightly, I eventually let go.

"And, I'm surprised how you got ready on time. did a Maid help?" I ask, Claire had an offended look.

"How rude! I can sometimes do things for myself you know? and yes.. I had maid help.." Claire blushed slightly in embarrassment, She's so cute ahh!!!

"And..What are.. those...?" Claire pointed at my glasses, Ah! she finally noticed! I was wondering when will she.

Claires POV:

"Oh! its the newly invented eyeglasses!" Rae smiled, she leaned down a little for me to get a better look. I don't need her to do that.. am I that short..? God I knew the heels gave it away..!

"Eyeglasses? I have never heard of them.. elaborate. please." I ask. As Rae rambled, my thoughts couldn't help but wander off. I couldn't control it.

Rae was.. really pretty-I MEAN! Wait I worded it wrong I didn't mean..–! I.. I geuss I did mean it..

im so lucky to have this commoner.. she's my commoner. no one elses.....


Sorry I had to end it here, it was getting redundant.. sorry for the massive delay and some small miss types!! :(((

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