(7.) similarities.

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Hello I am backkkkk
sorry for the late updates again.
anyways, I never watched them anime "My next life as a villainess" so there will be ALOT of errors. soon I might watch it Idk.

Rae and claire were sitting on the bench waiting for their  carriage to arrive. while waiting, They meet two people who look like them.. but theirs just one difference.. or more?

Thank you,ZyrynLacandili for requesting! :)
I apologize for the delay.

3RD person POV:

Rae and claire were both sitting down on the bench waiting for their carriage to arrive, rae was humming a melody to herself while an impatient Claire had a brewing storm inside her.

"Seriously, We're not that far from the academy are we?" Claire sighed, rubbing the bridge of her nose. "Ehh, kind of.. Because the school is Alllllll–the way up in that hill.."

"But their never this late." claire fixed her posture slightly. "Perhaps I can get something for you to cure your boredom miss claire?" rae smiled as she stood up.

"I geuss so. but don't go to far!" claire warned, "I won't miss claire! because I swore to God I'll never leave your-"

"Shut up and get what you're gonna get already!" Claire growled, Rae nodded before leaving.

Rae went inside a random bakery shop, she hoped that they have something that claire wanted.

Oh, How lucky.. They have Strawberry daifukus, Wait a minute. Daifukus? Isn't this game supposed to be taking place in France or something?! "The developers were really running out of ideas huh.." she muttered under her breath.

"Oh? hello dear! Has the new daifukus  gotten your interest? These were imported from the east side!" Then elder lady at them counter said.

"Yeah, they did. How much for one box?" rae asks, Pulling out her wallet.
"Just 15 Gold will do." Nice! Cheap.

Rae payed the lady infront and grabbed the desserts. When she was about to walk away she accidentally bumped into a woman.

"oh gosh! I'm sorry are you alright??" The light-brown haired woman asks, picking the girl up. "I'm alright no worries!"

"Oh no, don't worry! I-i'll pay for it!" the brunette panicked, Rae didn't notice but she accidentally dropped the daifukus.

Rae's POV:

When I stared at the woman I bumped into, I noticed she had someone with her.

The brunette woman had a similarity with Claire's hairstyle. the blonde woman behind her however almost had a similar hairstyle like mine, hers is just a little longer.

she handed me a new box of daifukus.
"Here you go, a new batch! I'm sorry about bumping into you." the brunette seemed to be a noble.. strange, I never saw this character in the game before.

"Wow," the brunette looked between me and the blonde. "You two look the same!" she laughed, she offered me her hand.

"I'm Catarina claes." Catarina smiled, "and I'm maria campbell!" The blonde woman followed.

"Rae taylor.. nice to meet you." I shook hands with them both. we exited the bakery with a conversation.

I then saw claire with a angry pout. "Rae! where have you been-" she gasped as she saw Katarina.

"Oh, hey I know you, You're the daughter of the minster of finance! 'Claire Francois' correct?"

"Y-Yes!.. Sorry for my stuttering miss Catarina..!" Claire bowed her head, Caterina looked visibly uncomfortable.

"N-no worries miss claire." Catarina giggled nervously. "Is rae taylor a friend of yours?"

"I-i geuss you could say that...?" Claire Seemed unsure about her words. "Wait.. daughter of the minister finance? dole Francois?" Maria asks.

"Yes! The one and only miss claireee~" I praised, Claire blushed in embarrassment. "R-Rae not infront of them!!.." She yelled in whisper.

Catarina and Maria chuckled at the scene infront of them, Claire's blush deepened. "I apologize for me and my maid, I'll be sure to have a talk. with her.."

She hit my arm with hers, "So, are you two students in the Bauer academy?" Maria asks with a smile.

"Yup!" I answered. "I heard about the incident there, the beast that attacked the school and the commoner protest."

Claire seemed to tense up from those two memories. "Yeah.. this school year, the academy seems to be a magnet for disasters."

"Must be real hard?" Catarina chuckled. I joined in their laughter as I noticed a carriage behind them, oh! it's our carriage!

I tapped miss Claire's shoulder, catching her attention. "miss claire! Our carriage has arrived."

"Ahh, finally." Claire groaned tiredly, Maria frowned.

"Awwww, leaving so soon?" Maria whined. "Well.. it's nice chatting with you two! Hopefully we meet again!"

"Goodbye miss Katarina, Goodbye miss Maria!" we exchanged waves at eachother and went our separate ways.

"That was pure luck, meeting with miss Katarina and miss Maria." Claire showed a small smile, she's adorable!!

"Heheh.. yeah, what luck.."

I have never seen these characters before.. we're they also reincarnated?
the Katarina girl doesn't seem to act like any of the background noble characters here.

3rd Person POV:

"Those two were nice!" Katarina geld Maria's hand. "Yeah.. miss claire doesn't seem as mean as she was said to be."

"Eh, It's just rumors Maria and their always wrong." Katarina shrugged.

but.. that Rae girl's 'predictions' I have heard about weren't.. is she reincarnated too? or is it really just coincidences?


This was supposed to be longer but I had no more ideas :(
I'm sorry for the errors I've made on the way, this was rushed.

IILWTV: I'm in love with the villainess!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن