Filthy Sweet

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"Jamie? It's past midnight and I thought you were past- oh my god what's wrong with you?" Keely asked and pulled the man into her home once she caught a good look at him. His splotchy face, red rimmed eyes blown huge and black, his skin a sick color, the sweat rolling off of him in the cold air. His bleached hair stuck to his forehead where it escaped his headband.

"'M so fuckin' sick" he said as he was dragged to the kitchen. He dropped as soon as Keeley let go of him, knees hitting the floor in a painful thud. The woman got next to him, rubbing his back, shushing him, looking at him with a confused bewildered face. Then she caught it. His soaked trackies.

"Oh Jamie... your heat?" She asked carefully. Jamie hated being in heat, electing to only do it when he was on the brink of medical intervention. His heats were always a bit... Violent and overwhelming. Something Keeley hated because as a beta she couldn't truly give what Jamie wanted, and because she hated having to tie Jamie down to keep him from hurting himself which kind of ruined bondage. But that was then.

"I don't know why my fuckin pills ain't workin. I took them this morning like like 'm supposed to. I- I was out on a jog and to get snacks and and it fuckin hit me. I-I need- I can't get home." Jamie explained and rubbed his hands over his cramping lower stomach.

His head already started feeling manic, full of wants and worries. He wanted to be home and he wanted to hide in the closet and ride his dildo till he passed out on the shitty pile of pillows he called a nest. He was worried about getting home or someone being at his house or someone stopping by or not having food in the fridge or eating too much and Roy being mad about his calories or his dildo not being enough or a million other things.

"Okay, okay, I'll um- I'll get you some water" Keeley said and hurried to get a glass and fill it with nice cold water from the pitcher in the fridge. Jamie let out a squeaky whine, another set of cramps rolling through his hips and stomach.

"If you- you could get me a pad, I can get an Uber. I-I needa go home. It's- I'm sorry" Jamie apologized pitifully from where he was, looking up at the beta with a sorrowful expression, like a wet puppy. She handed him the water, holding onto it until she was sure his trembling hands had it.

"When did you leave your house? It's late, Jamie." She asked, glancing up at the clock, nearly 1am.

"I left at eight and-and I uh jogged out and I got a sandwich and then I-I ... I don't know. I dunno where I went." Jamie said and stared off at the floor. It was like his head was steamed up glass, like he could kinda see but not really. He just knew he was tired and his pants were soggy and his insides were starving to be filled.

"Jamie... that's not safe, you know that." Keeley said and pulled Jamie out of his head as it tried to wander toward what his primal parts wanted.

"I fuckin know. I don't know what I'm doing. My head's all fucked." Jamie said and rubbed a hand over his face, holding his head in his hand for a minute before drinking more of his water, it tasted sweet to him, like he wanted to go drink the whole pitcher.

Keeley left, watching the man shakily sip at the water before she slipped into the bathroom looking for the extra large pads she had. They were emergency backups, really, they'd grown dusty in the back of the drawer she kept that stuff in. Knowing Jamie, he'd soak through one by the time he got back to his house. She remembered when she had to take him to clinic while he was in heat for a certain test, he'd soaked through two pads, his absorbent underwear, and his sweatpants. She grabbed two and hoped she could find one of his old plugs or something to help him stay dry-er.

But he was panicked and confused and she was sure he'd still have to pay extra for ruining a car's seat.

"Keeley? The fucks at the door this late?" Roy asked as he made his way down the stairs. He was blinking, barely awake, scratching at his lower stomach. He was walking, stiffly making his way toward the kitchen where he had assumed his girlfriend was having a midnight snack or some shit. He knew the house well enough he didn't really need to look where he was going, rubbing his eyes as he walked toward the bright lights.

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