Cedric Diggory x Slytherin

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You and Cedric were sitting outside talking about whatever came to mind. Unexpectedly Cedric asked if you liked anyone.

Cedric: So do you like anyone?

You were surprised he asked this question but understood as you had nothing better to talk about.

Y/n: Yeah, what about you?

Cedric: Yes, but who is your crush?

Y/n: I'm not telling you

Cedric: Well can you describe them?

Y/n: Hmm, fine. He's a Hufflepuff, he's tall, Brown hair, bright gray eyes, I know him very well, he's kind, and I've known him since first year

He thought about it for a moment, until it clicked who it was.

Cedric: Would you by chance be talking to him right now?

Y/n: Maybe, so who do you like?

You would be lying if you said you weren't nervous for his answer.

Cedric: Why tell you when I can just show you?

Y/n: What do you mean-

You were cut off by him kissing you. After a few moments you kissed him back until you needed to breathe. After catching your breath you both looked into your eyes

Y/n: I love you Cedric

Cedric: I love you too

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