A New Room

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A/N: So I became a theatre kid today??? Lol Twas my new years resolution to become as "weird" as possible and theatre kid is really icing on the cake. 


The lounge room contained exactly two bookshelves stuffed to the brim with knowledge. Crowley led him to the one containing "pinocchio." Then he went to the window seat and made himself comfortable. It kind of reminded him of his bookshop, with only a few less books but quiet and cozy. He liked it.

"So when will–" Just as Aziraphale spoke the rowdy crew of Saytrs burst through the door, giggling and grinning, presumably excited to learn. Oh how wonderful, Aziraphale thought.

Crowley smirked, and it was the first time Aziraphale had seen him do so. "They're all yours now. Wonder how angelic you'll be in an hour." He leaned back, closing his eyes.

Aziraphale took the words as a challenge, and turned toward the rowdy bunch determined. Kids are kids and will act as such, nothing he couldn't handle. Afterall he was a kid once too. Well... perhaps knocking down bookshelves to reach a book wasn't "rowdy" by textbook definition. But no matter. If theres a will, theres a way. And he is willing to share knowledge with the youth no matter what it takes.

15 minutes later

"Wait don't—!" Aziraphale cringed as Brian took a rather large chuck out of an english dictionary. He knew syatr's were basically human goats but this was absurd!

"Adam– Pepper, theres really no need to argue—" Aziraphale jumped at a crashing sound, he turned around to see books on the ground and Wensleydale at the top of a bookshelf.

"Oh dear, Wensleydayle— do get down, that is dangerous–!"

"But theres a cool bug up here!"

"Ow!" Adam and Pepper cried. He snapped his head around to see both Adam and Pepper on the ground, rubbing their heads with pained expressions.

Aziraphale groaned in defeat and clamped his hands over his face. It all went wrong on the second read of pinocchio. They began becoming frustrated when they couldn't understand reading to themselves. And they didn't do well with sharing the book either. Nor did they like reading the book without Aziraphales little wooden boy impression.

Suddenly a bell rang throughout the lounge. Aziraphale looked up, prepared to be greeted with another worrying sight. Instead he was greeted by Crowley standing tall, capturing the childrens attention. "Alright, thats enough torturing our guest." He drawled, "Wensledayle get the hell down from there before you get a concussion...Adam, pepper," He slithered over to them and held them up by their collars like kittens, "How many times must I remind you, you aren't RAMS . Keep this head butting up and your brains will be too scrambled to ever read." They looked at eachother alarmed, believing Crowley's words. He sat them on the rug and took Wensleydayle from atop the bookshelf, sitting him with his siblings. "Brian. You don't eat books. You can eat cans and paper, just not the books, kay'?" He took away the demolished dictionary, handing it to Aziraphale with a pitying expression.

"But books are paper..." Brian mumbled with a mouthful of dictionary, sitting with the rest of his friends. Aziraphale's shoulders sagged in relief, and he sighed. Gosh, perhaps he wasn't cut out for this afterall.

Crowley stood at his side and muttered, "Good with kids are you?"

Aziraphale frowned, "I am most of the time. Perhaps i'm just befuddled with my whole being kidnapped ordeal ." He said sarcastically.

Crowley hummed, "Right, anyway. You lot are gonna shut up and Mr Fell s'gonna read to you. Got it?"

"Whats the point? It's not like we're ever gonna get it." Pepper sighed.

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