Ch. 7

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Three months have passed since I left that hospital... I did not see that doctor, my neighbor on the third floor... but as soon as I returned... and it was the day after my escape... there was a knock on my door... I opened it and saw Sia and Mrs. Hajar smiling at me. ..and they seemed to be carrying hot soup...and a can of which I did not seemed that I was missed at the party and they were asking about me...perhaps that brunette was the one who told them about my situation...

'How are you...are you okay...why? I think you're leaving the party early... It seems like it was a rush... Oh my God, I almost forgot this from Noon..' Sia started chattering.

I looked at her and what she was giving was the white box...nothing...except a box...its contents aroused my curiosity...see what that brunette could send me...

I opened the box...just out of curiosity...and it was... It contains...a few types of medicine, some of which are pills and some are liquid...some bandages...and a medical disinfectant...I raised my eyebrows...what is this? You think I can’t buy my medicine...that girl...doesn’t know who she’s messing with For the price of my shirt, I can buy ten like her... stupid... insect.

'Son, I prepared some soup for restore some of your health...Noon told us what happened to you...that the Creator loves you...she returned to the hospital after she had been at the party for half an hour...just to please us...she said that it had happened You had an accident...and she found you there...she couldn't deliver the medicine to you...she sent it with us.' Mrs. Hagar said in a motherly tone, why should I feel grateful to her? She had already done what was her duty... not as if she was a saint or anything...

“Oh, Mr. Luciano... you asked me to change your bandage even though I did not change your bandage.” Don't worry...but you are an exception." Sia said... bowing her head, smiling.

Oh my God, she will make me her guinea pig...

'Calm down, Sia... I will do it..' After she saw the look of horror that covered my face, Mrs Hajar said, gesturing to me. It turned out that the medicines that the brunette sent were good in the end...

They took the pain from my body and made me unconscious while I was lying there... Mrs. Hajar came from time to time to change my bandage... The inflammation went away... and the redness... it disappeared... I have a scar above my right flank...I think it's's sexy in a way...the women I knew liked to see the if it was a sign of a battle...women and their outdated thinking...

'Speak up, Rico!'
"It's time for you to return, leader...all the people have been eliminated...and the witnesses...and Evelyn as well...there's nothing left..."

'Finally something worth celebrating...send me last night here... I will make it loud... and I will not care about what the neighbors say. Finally...  send her to my apartment this evening... and tomorrow  send me my car... the black BMW, not the white Rico...' I hung up the phone... I miss my old life... Damn... My life will end here tonight... This is beautiful... and truly excellent...

I started packing my things, my luggage... and my possessions... I placed them near the door of the apartment... I ordered food from outside and some drinks... and after a while they arrived...

Then she knocked on the door... Alicia...was sexy to the point of pain.I spent an exciting night with her...noisy to the point of screaming...we got drunk and headed towards my room...she was sexy...

I ask for her when I can't find a body to warm my bed. ..and this night was my night with her...

'Octavius...why did you disappear for so long and why  you look like this ?'

"Calm down, my I'm here...and you will make up for the period of monasticism I lived in this period" I said.

And I distribute my kiss all over her face... her chin... then her mouth violently... heading towards her cheeks... pink from the intoxication... then her neck... so the moaning and moaning begin... how much I love this, but screaming my name is my goal in every... I make love.

Alicia. ...a twenty-eight-year-old girl...a model for a Parisian brand...I met her when a fashion show for Tony Astera was held here...her hair is chocolate brown...her body is pale wheat...and her eyes are light green, but it is a time of lust and exercise. Love with me becomes green like the color of pale leaves.


'I don't take orders, my dear...isn't it time for you to get to know me?'  I closed her mouth with a kiss in which our lips swayed violently, followed by biting and groaning, which I took advantage of to insert my tongue and discover the moisture in her mouth.. Oh my God, how clever I am... I haven't achieved my goal yet, but she has become wet... she's ready... I took off my shirt after removing her clothes... and when I was about to pounce on her... a screaming sound rang out that stopped me... a scream that was not  from Alicia... but from the wall behind the front of my bed... silence came after that... for a while I thought I was hallucinating... then another scream followed by blows directed at the same wall... it seemed that someone had hit the wall across from him from the other apartment...

wait It was the brunette's apartment... and here I did not find myself... except outside, standing in front of her apartment door with only my pants on... I was silent... and I put my ears down trying to listen... I knocked... no one answered, then something fell on the floor... It was followed by something breaking... followed by things being broken as if they were being thrown violently on the ground... a gunshot... This was my signal to enter. There I retreated and headed towards the door of her apartment, wanting to break it down...

With my second blow, the door lock was broken and opened... Oh my God, the apartment was in ruins, as if a tornado had passed through here... I unconsciously headed towards the room that I had drawn in my imagination as being opposite the two bedrooms... I froze. At the door of the was a frightening scene...Sia was there...she was the first person I saw...she was wearing a cotton nightgown with cartoon drawings on it, covering her mouth with her hands and looking alarmed, her face was directed towards the floor...on the other hand... There was a man lying in black clothes and military boots... and a pool of blood began to collect beneath him. Then I turned my gaze towards the only person who was standing there unconsciously... with a firearm in his hand... It was the brunette... the owner of the apartment... She was wearing loose gray pajamas with a robe of a darker shade of gray on top... Her hair was falling on her curved shoulders... Her clothes looked as if someone had torn them from the waist... She was opening and closing her mouth... and there were tears running down her cheeks... She was experiencing shock... Shock that I had experienced when I picked up the weapon for the first time and pointed it at the throat of the person in front of me and shot him. ....

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