Chp 6: First Victim...

Start from the beginning

With it lunging it would be possible... So he banked on it, he didn't want to lose an entire limb, and where his body was at the moment, that would happen in a single bite...

'I'm not dying to anything yet...' He could feel the adrenaline rush through his body.

As if a silent agreement passed between them, both Jacob and the tiger came to an abrupt standstill. The tension in the air was palpable. Jacob crouched lower, ready for what was to come, and the tiger mirrored the shift, preparing for a different kind of assault. This time, it wouldn't be charging; instead, it would sprint directly toward him...

With a growl, It ran towards him...




'Wait for it... Wait...' Jacob's breath hitched as the tiger drew nearer, each step echoing in the charged silence...

'NOW!' He yelled in his mind.

It jumped towards him, with barely any time to react, he ducked the leap, touching the tiger on its stomach, infecting it... But, unluckily, it got a good chunk off his arm with it's claws...

'Damnit!' he groaned in pain, through clenched teeth, feeling the pain coursing through his injured limb. Quickly surveying the surroundings and finding no witnesses in the distance, he redirected his attention to the wounded tiger writhing on the ground.

'Serves you right, fucker...' He clenched his teeth, and faught through the pain, a mixture of triumph and agony as he stood over the writhing tiger. The infection was enough to paralyze it completely...

Not wanting to make this take any longer. He quickly walked up to it, grabbing onto its body. Instantly, he willed his tendrils that morphed from his flesh to wrap around the creature.

He huffed, tired. Wondering what the hell had just happened. It was as if the idea of a tiger attacking him had just crossed his mind...

'No... I need to focus... '

With focused intensity, he initiated the absorption process. The tendrils worked their way over the tiger, not only consuming its flesh but also extracting the surrounding blood... As he finished the assimilation Jacob felt his body growing heavier, denser from this ordeal. But soon, something else came...

He held his head, "GAAHHHH!!!!" He screamed, feeling his muscles and mind suddenly rip apart from the process...

However, the pain was most concentrated in his head, rather his brain. Years of information flashed through his mind. How to stalk, hunt, crawl, bite, eat, lung, run, and think... His mind flashed with these memories as if they were his own. And, it was painful.

He quickly fell to the concrete, gripping his hands tightly and gnashing...








He rolled on the concrete multiple times over but after what felt like an hour, finally feeling the pain started to dwindle...

After some time, he stood up, his body changed from the ordeal, and his injuries gone...

He then inhaled, and exhaled... He stretched his body, earning slight creaks and crackles...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15 ⏰

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