Chapter 9: Just A Girl.

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Brooklyn, New York, 1994.

Clara felt like she was at her greatest in 1994, not much had changed regarding her strange dreams, but she had succeeded further and her mother was doing well. Not cured but well enough to go back to work more often in the Air Force. Clara spent a lot of time with Noah, truthfully, outside of Charlie and Memo, he was still her only friend. "Hello!" Clara called out when she stepped into the Diaz apartment. Of course, just like when she lived near Charlie, doors were always open to each other. The dark-haired woman could smell eggs and walked into the kitchen where she could see eggs cooking on the stove. They looked pretty close to burning, and by the sound of music coming from Noah's room, he wasn't hearing anything. She knew Kris would be in his room resting until breakfast and Breanna was probably getting ready for work.

"Kristopher Diaz from 974 Wilson Avenue, Apartment 2-C, Brooklyn." Clara's head turned at the sound of Noah's voice as he walked down the hall into the kitchen with a walkie-talkie in his hand. His gaze stopped on Clara and a smile grew on his face until she pointed at the stove and dryly said.

"Your eggs are burning."

"Why didn't you say anything!" Noah exclaimed with wide eyes and he rushed over to the stove.

"No real names. They're listening." She heard Kris over the walkie as Noah shut off the stove. The boy was always worried that someone was listening to their walkie conversations. Noah didn't believe it and Clara thought it was unlikely anyone would bother listening to the conversations they had.

"You are unbelievable." He glanced back at Clara and whispered. She just shrugged which made him roll his eyes and shake his head. It was so her to just not care.

"Hey, you've been warned. Don't step away when you're cooking." She says bluntly, raising her hands in surrender while Noah shoots her a small glare. He looks back down at the walkie-talkie and presses the button.

"Ain't no secret government agencies worried about us, Tails. Now get your behind out here while it's hot." Noah finally told his brother firmly when Breanna walked into the room with a dress shirt in her hands.

"At least they got that going for 'em." She remarked to her son before holding up the shirt. "Here, I ironed this for you." Breanna tells him, placing the shirt over one of the kitchen chairs, and then turns to Clara with a smile. "Hey, Teddy. How was the exam?" She greets her with a soft smile, giving the girl a side hug and kissing her cheek.

"I already ironed it. What..." Noah insisted and Clara made a face at the burnt smell.

"Like you cooked those eggs?" She countered with raised brows before she looked at Clara.

"Passed with flying colors," Clara answered her and looked at Noah. "I told him they were burning." She added and Noah scoffed.

"You could've pulled them from the stove." Noah pointed out but that just made Clara smirk.

"They were burned before I opened the door." She stated slightly smug and Noah stuck his tongue out at her, to which she responded doing the same. Breanna looked between the two and sighed while shaking her head.

"And what you mean? They're just...seasoned." Noah turned to his mother and made a poor excuse, placing some of the burnt eggs on Kris' plate. Clara let out a loud snort which Noah scowled at, but didn't say anything.

"Aw, come on." Kris complained when he walked into the kitchen and sat at the table with his Gameboy.

"Come eat, bro." He told his little brother.

"I can't be past Bowser." He informed them of his dilemma as Clara walked over and sat down next to him.

"Well, good morning to you too." Breanna says to her son while pouring him a glass of water. "Drink this and take your medicine. All of it." She ordered him firmly, placing down the glass.

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