Chapter 39

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Your body is thick with dizziness and nausea. The nurses have replaced your IV bag with a greenish-yellow liquid. It slowly drips down the tube into your arm. A drop every five seconds. You've counted 564 drops today. If it is day. You've been sitting in this room for who knows how long. They've closed the blinds to your window, so you can't spy on Annie across the hall. You'd been watching as the peacekeepers would enter her room every few hours to give her injections. You can still hear her screaming when she wakes up, but they try to keep her asleep. You were able to keep track better when there was still a clock in your room. They removed that when you were able to track the staff's schedule. They stopped bringing breakfast after the first week, then lunch the second week. Now you get all of your nutrients through one of the bags hooked onto the stands next to you. They say it's easier that way When you'd gotten thin enough to slip your hands out of your restraints, they switched over to adjustable locks. Now at 598 drops, you wait for them to enter after drip 600.

    Sure enough, the door slides open, and in walks Snow, backed by two peacekeepers and a nurse. Without a word, Snow turns on the screen, starting the recording of your interview before your first games. Where you talk about your brother, reciting a poem for him. How you miss poetry. The audience loved it. Next is your district partner, Peeta. You feel an anger in your chest, as he confesses his love for Katniss. You look away from the screen, not wanting to look at his face. His horrible face. He left you here, with the capitol. Too scared to face Panem beside you. As the clip ends, Snow watches you expectantly, waiting for you to ask a question. But asking questions means they release more of the green fluid, and it makes you sick. So you don't, waiting for the next video.

    For the next 3 hours, they show your first games, but they only show condensed clips from your and Peeta's perspective side by side. They said this is the shortened version available to the districts for rewatch, so you don't ask about the length. You watch yourself, run to the cornucopia, partnering up with Cato and Clove. You watch as Peeta stalks you. Watch you from afar, waiting for his moment to pounce. Always close behind you. Whenever you ask why he would follow for so long instead of just attacking at the first chance, Snow explains he was being strategic. If he had attacked immediately he would have been at risk. You watch as he waits for you to be free from Cato and Clove, before attacking you, breaking your leg in the process. Leaving you alone in that cave to fend for yourself. Finally the end, where he tricks you into surviving with him in the end. The fake love story. You always hated this part, because he was so convincing. There was no love here, no way he could have ever loved you. He tried to kill you, he wanted to kill you. He's the reason your parents died in that fire. If you had been the sole victor, the seam wouldn't have started the riot that lit your house ablaze.

    Now, they will show you clips from your second interviews, how your fake wedding played out. Everyone believed you. Your fake baby. Then your games, how everyone was plotting against you the whole time. Sending Ambrose after you while hiding out. They flee, leaving you all alone to be hospitalized. The way the capitol graciously took you in and saved you. You can't help but ask a question, your mind still cloudy.

    "Why did you save me though? Why not Finnick? He was loved by the capitol. And why can't I leave the room yet?" You ask, watching the bag above you release its contents into your bloodstream.

    "Actually, Y/n. We have a scheduled interview for you in an hour. Caesar is going to talk with you about your rescue, and hopefully the districts will listen to what you say." Snow says.

    The districts are in distress, asking the capitol for answers. They are angry that the other victors disappeared. They don't understand that the victors left, they weren't taken. You are someone who they trust, someone who knows what's really going on.

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