5. Wicked Witch

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Dragons weren't as frightening as Rhys had originally thought. As Agni snuggled against his chest, a gentle rumble emanated from the dragon's throat and his warm breath tickled against Rhys's neck. He'd fallen fast asleep in Rhys's arms.

"I think he really likes you." Scarlett reached out to pet Agni's scaly head, lightly touching her fingertips against Rhys's as she pulled away.

"Do you think Cain used to hold him like this?" Rhys asked with a melancholy smile at the thought of his friend snuggled up with the fire-breathing dragon.

"Probably. I'm sure he misses them both so much." Tears pricked at her eyes as she sniffled. "How could someone be so cruel and kill them? Do you think they died trying to protect each other?" Scarlett's voice cracked, and tears rained down her cheeks.

"I'm sure they did." Rhys eased himself closer to Scarlett, just enough to bring his free arm around her and pull her to him. "We'll get the bastard who did this, okay? No matter what it takes."

Even if it meant putting his own fangs at risk just to get justice.

"Maybe we could try talking to some of Cain's close friends, aside from you?" Scarlett suggested as she gently eased back and wiped her eyes. "Can you think of anyone?"

"Perhaps." Rhys nodded. "But I think we need to look into the black market and see if they received any hearts lately. And eyeballs." He grimaced.

Scarlett cringed. "Yeah, that would be a good place to start."

"I'll pay that peddler a visit tonight. I don't wish to put you anywhere near danger," Rhys said.

"No, I'm coming with you. I'm not afraid of visiting the black market, but it makes me sick to think of their hearts stowed away on some wicked vendor's shelves for sale. Even worse if someone purchased them." Scarlett bristled.

"Yeah, it's a messed up place." Rhys looked down at Agni sleeping in his arms. "Maybe you should stay here with him while I do it. You don't want anyone to try bargaining for Agni just for answers. I'll tell you everything I know, I promise."

"I could leave him here at the apothecary or with Calista," Scarlett suggested. "That way I could at least go with you."

"Don't do that. He'd likely end up following you anyway," Rhys pointed out.

"You're right." Scarlett smiled sadly at the little dragon cozied up in his arms. "I keep forgetting how he's going to follow me everywhere now. I'm so used to him being with Amara... It'll take us some time to get adjusted. I need to grab his things from Amara's soon too. All I've got are treats here for when they'd visit me."

"When a witch dies, their familiar goes to a family member?" Rhys asked.

"No, not always."

Rhys frowned. "Then what happens to them?"

"It depends. Most are taken back to the shop they came from," Scarlett explained. "Sometimes, the family members have their own familiars and they might not get along so well. Other times, they just don't want them or can't bond with them. There are cases where some familiars refuse to pair with anyone else. You can't really do much for them then."

"That's so sad to imagine." Rhys gently squeezed Agni closer to his chest. "You wouldn't ever let him go back to that shop, right?"

"Of course not."

"Good." Rhys stroked his fingers along Agni's head. "We'll take care of him. Do you know where Amara used to get his food? I'll be sure to grab some, if I can find it, on my way back tonight."

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