4. Mango Smoothies and Murder

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Raindrops pattered against the windows. Scarlett only slept for an hour, and despite how bone-tired she was, she had a case to crack. She would find her sister's killer and make them pay.

Rhys remained in the chair, cozily nestled near the fireplace. Sorrow ghosted his face as he stared toward the window, seeming a world away from her. Anyone in her shoes would've thrown him out of their shop in a heartbeat, but she couldn't. She trusted him and knew he needed her help.

"Our first step is finding out what brought them to the beach. I don't know much about Cain, but Amara's best friend might be able to fill us in on what she was doing."

Rhys raised a brow. "I suppose that's a good place to start."

"Are you okay?" Scarlett reached out and gently touched his arm. "If you need time, I understand."

"No, we need to follow any leads we can." Rhys's eyes slowly lightened to a spring green. "The rain's letting up, so we should be okay to travel. Is this friend far from here?"

"Her cafe's only a block over," Scarlett replied.

"What are we waiting for then?" Rhys walked ahead of her to the door. "Hopefully, we can reach her before those magic cops do. I don't want to encounter them again."

Scarlett wasn't sure how she could comfort him, not when her own heart was grieving. But Rhys wasn't only mourning his friend. He had to watch his back in fear of those cops coming after him if they learned of his true vampire nature. She couldn't even imagine how he must be feeling.

"If they're at her shop, we'll leave," Scarlett assured him, sliding her fingers across his hand until it swallowed hers in a gentle yet supportive hold.

Once they slipped on their coats, they tread down the wet gravel as light raindrops alighted in their hair and sides of their faces. Agni floated up onto her shoulder and settled down as she led them across a cobblestone path, passing by other eateries and magical shops. The rain had closed many or delayed their opening, but Scarlett knew Calista's cafe would be open.

The Spell Blender cafe came into view; a rainbow concoction with snow cone and gummy bear statues. The widows were decorated with rainbow swirls and pink cotton candy clouds. Rhys seemed bewildered by the splash of color as he held the door open for her.

Inside, delightful fruit smells drifted throughout the little cafe. Calista stood behind her counter and tilted her head up with a smile as she welcomed them.

"Scarlett, I see you've brought a friend. Oh, is that Agni with you too?" Calista's smile faltered at the sight of Amara's familiar.

Unease crept down Scarlett's spine. She didn't want to tell her about Amara's tragic death, but she couldn't leave her clueless or wait until the detectives finally found her. It was already unusual enough with Scarlett bringing Agni along.

"Something's happened," Scarlett said, her voice cracking. "Amara... she's..."

Rhys gently touched Scarlett's shoulder then directed his attention to Calista. "Your friend Amara was found dead on the beach this morning."

Calista's jaw fell open and a small croak came from her throat like a trapped frog. Moisture drew the colored light as it filled her eyes, but she wiped away the tears before they could fall. "What happened?"

"We're not sure." Scarlett cleared her throat. "But we wanted to see if you'd heard from her last night. Rhys here is a detective." Scarlett gestured toward Rhys, and hopped from one foot to the other as Calista gave him a scrutinizing once-over.

"She came by here before the storm worsened. We talked about her boyfriend."

"Boyfriend?" Scarlett frowned. "She never told me she was seeing anyone."

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