Manipulative Murderer

Start from the beginning

"MOM!" Was all I heard before I blacked out,  throwing a punch and connecting with a jaw. Unfortunately it wasn't hers. My eyes met streets who was clutching his own face, lip bleeding. "Dammit Kara. What the hell are you doing?" I was breathing heavy, chest moving rapidly as tears fell. From the corner of my eye I saw Luca moving to hold onto me from the side.

"Me? She hit me first street. She destroyed the only photos I had left of him. Just threw them out without worrying about the fact they might be mine!  Shes not even sorry." I cried out clutching my chest over my heart. Everything hurts.

"Ma? That true?" She nodded and started crying about being sorry and how she should have thought about the fact I hear been staying with him amd blah blah blah… " whyd you hit her ma?  Thats not cool. You can't do that." Again with the water works. Something about her being scared that I was going to hurt her and talking about the things I said to her. "Kara!  You serious?  You cornered her and acted like that for what? I mean really?? Over some bullshit pictures.?! He was a piece of shit Kara. Get over it already.!"

"Street!" Luca yelled. And street froze. He already knew he fucked up

"Kara… " he reached out for me. But I turned walking out. I walked away from street, from Karen and from Luca, ignoring Lucas calls for me to wait as I got in my car and drove. Before I knew where I was going I was pulling into Dekes drive just as he was about to get into his car. He closed the door walking over to me as I walked around the front of my car, still in a daze.

Kara?…. Kara baby?" I felt his hands wrap around me, and the dam broke. My knees gave out, and my tears… the tears wouldn't stop as I started hyperventilating. I didn't hear Deacons phone ring or him answer it, nor did I hear him tell whoever it was to head over and give him the run down. I didn't really register anything other than him pick me up and carry me inside before sitting down on the couch with me, his arms still tight around me as I cried my soul out for the lost memories I had of my dad.

As I started to calm down,  my eyes were so heavy and the next thing I knew I was gone, passed out dead to the world.

             DEKES POV

Once Kara finally calmed down and fell asleep, I carefully moved so she was laying down and headed to the front door. Luca had called saying some shit went down and asked if Kara had called me. I told him she was with me and that he should head over so he could fill me in and bring her a change of clothes. I walked back over to where she slept and lowered myself down to wipe away at the hair on her tear stained red face, and that's when I noticed her face wasnt just red on her cheek was the outline of a hand and that's when my temper flared. I stood up so fast when I heard the knock on my door, swinging it open and walking onto the porch,  I didn't even think to close the door.  Luca and street stood there no doubt waiting for Kara to appear.

"Where is she?" Street asked trying to walk around me. I put my hand out on his shoulder.

"Yea…  No. No one goes anywhere near her until I know why the hell she showed up crying hysterically and with someone's hand imprinted on her damn face!" Street froze and looked up at me. It was then that I saw he was sporting a bloody lip and already had some brusing on his jaw.

"Let me check on her Deke. Shes my sister!" He yelled. I told him to lower his voice and that she was sleeping before I heard Luca pipe in.

"Funny how you worry now man versus when she needed you." Street whipped around on Luca and they started going at eachother before I cut in demanding answers. Luca gave me the run down from the moment I called him about Kara going to talk to street not knowing he was training at work and that his mom was there. He told me how he rode back to streets with him and wanted to make sure Kara was okay and then filled me in on what happened between the three of them. My fists were clenched at my side when Street tried to get by me again.

"No. Street you should leave for now man. Give her some more time." I said simply. I didn't want to lose my cool cause I know emotions are running high.

"Come on man.  I gotta talk to her. I get what my ma did was wrong but man I really gotta talk to her cause she was wrong to a-" I had enough of the excuses and cut him off.

"No Jim. Thats your sister! And YOU didnt have her back in the slightest. Not like you told her you would. YOU told her we would all protect her and YOU are the only one who didn't hold up to that! She deserves better man and you know it. Just like you know your ma had no right to put hands on her!" I yelled back at him. None of us were aware of the quiet steps coming up behind me. Not until luca pointed her out.

"K! You alright?  You ran off and didn't even tell me where you were headed. Guess I should known you were going to your safe place." Luca laughes walking over and pulling her into a hug as she came out from behind me. As he pulled away street caught a good look at her amd the mark on her face.

"Shit. Kara.  I…  Im so sorry.  I-" she raised her hand.

"I honestly.. I don't want to hear it right now Jim. Im tired, I'm hurt, I'm angry, and I feel so broken right now. I know you don't understand my relationship woth my dad and that I don't believe any of your mothers story.  Thats fine. I still love you.  You're my brother and I'm always going to love you. But right now." she sighed leaning into my side. "Right now I don't want to be around you. You hurt me more than you even realize and I need time. We'll be fine with some time. Go home, let Karen patch up your lip. I'd say sorry but lets be honest, I'm not." She gave a small smile before turning around and heading back inside with Luca following.

I watched as he debated walking away or just trying to push his way through, but he made the right call before turning and heading for the car. I turned ready to go back in.

"Hey deke?" I turned to look at street and waited as he struggled finding the words. "Thanks for being there for her. I know she's uh in good hands. And uh sorry about how I reacted when I found out about you guys. Take care of her." I nodded and he got in and drove away. When I walked in, Kara was in the kitchen getting stuff out to make sandwiches and when she looked over at me she smiled.

Her arms wrapped around me as she walked over mumbling a thank you before going back to mess with the food. She started telling Luca and I about what happened from her point of view and damn.
"My girl is the strongest I know." I didn't realise I said it out loud until Luca slapped my back.

"Awe Deacon,  you're so sweet and sappy man." He laughed as Kara giggled and the both started teasing me. "Alright! Jokes aside Dekes right Kara. Youre the strongest person we know. Youve gone through so much by yourself, and now, you are the strongest and you're not alone. We got your back!" He started chowing down on his food with a proud smile. Luca didn't drive here,  so I told him to crash here with us and he could ride in with me tomorrow. So we ended up just hanging out for the rest of the day before everyone turned in for the night.

As Kara laid wrapped in my arms snoring quietly, I made a vow to make sure she's never sad again at least not as long as I can help it.

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