♥Chapter 3♥

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Dogday's POV

I was walking to the hospital to check up on Catnap this was the day were he get his bandages finally off. I was happy for him but I've been noticing that Catnap has been acting strange lately ever seen last week from his night walk. All he ever talks about this prototype guy and keeps saying he'll save us and that he's a God I just thought he was crazy.

I walked up to the door and knocked on a moment of silence and heard footsteps coming to the door the door opened and Bobby was there my smile faded seeing the terrified look on her face like she saw a ghost or something." Bobby are you ok?", I asked she looked at me and quickly rushed out and closed the door, "umm Bobby are you ok-", she put a finger over my mouth shutting me up like she didn't want someone to hear us," ok listen there's something wrong with catnap", my started to show concerned, w-what's wrong with him?", she calmed down," ok i don't want to sound crazy or anything but I think catnap to the prototype", "i mean yeah he kinda has been is that wrong?", she grabbed my shoulders pulling me close to her face," you mean he's been talking to this guy are you crazy", she shouted a little, "w-why what's wrong with guy", I had so many questions but before she could answer the door opened we both looked and saw catnap he looked a little insane and the bandages were off,                               "oh umm hello catnap how are you feeling?", I asked Bobby let go of my shoulders and walked towards the door catnap walk up to me," i'm feeling great dogday", he said putting a hand on my cheek I blushed a lot. Catnap started to walk away to his house I followed him I looked back and saw Bobby say," stop him before it's to late." I notice catnap saw us and Bobby quickly went back inside I looked at catnap and he looked at me with a upset face," what were you to talking about?", he asked his voice sounded almost glitched out I smiled and rapped my arm around his shoulder," it's nothing i promise."


It was night and I was sound asleep in my bed it was around 3am when I heard a blood curling screaming I quickly opened my eyes and jumped out of bed and ran outside into playcare my heart dropped at he sight of dead bodies everywhere of kids and adults. The sound of screaming and flesh being ripped and bone cracking was heard from all over the factory I didn't what was happening I heard another scream," HELP ME SOMEONE PLZ!", it sounded like Bobby I ran to the direction of the scream.

I ran into a building and knocked down the door and my eyes widen and heart stopped I saw my friends not moving blood was everywhere and I saw a tall figure holding Bobby chocking her to death. I couldn't stand there and do nothing," HEY LET HER GO NOW!", the figure dropped Bobby on the ground I watched her gasping for air putting a hand over her neck I looked up watching the figure walking up to me," WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY FRIENDS", the figure just stood there for a moment then walked closer to me revealing itself in the light my eyes widen and I lost my voice," c-catnap", I couldn't believe it catnap did this he did all of this," catnap w-what did you do to our friends why aren't they moving?", he walked closer i slowly backed away into a wall he got close to my face i blushed a little," i killed them", he said with a deep voice," w-what w-why why would you do this", "they were heretics they did not believe in our God the prototype with save us join my dogday we can worship him together", he held he's hand out to offer me.

I shouted at him," NO, I WILL NOT WORSHIP THIS GOD OF YOUR I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU KILLED OUR FRIENDS FOR THIS GUY!", I yelled catnap looked pissed i fucked up big time he grabbed my neck pining me to the wall," HOW DARE YOU TALK TO OUR GOD LIKE THAT I THOUGHT YOUR WERE MY FRIEND BUT NOW I SEE YOUR JUST ANOTHER HERETIC JUST LIKE THE OTHERS!", catnap was about to hurt when Bobby jumped on him making him drop me," DOGDAY QUICK RUN WJILE YOU STILL CAN!", I was crying I quickly ran hearing Bobby's screams and the sound of flesh bring ripped apart.

I ran into the playhouse and hid in a corner hoping catnap wouldn't find me I so many questions in my head why was he doing this, what happened, was he going to kill me like the others? I didn't hear anything for a while so I got up and walk out of my hiding spot I stopped I had the feeling that I was being watched I continued walking when something jumped on my back crushing some of my bones I yelled at the pain and looked and saw catnap on top on me he looked so insane like a wild animal. He grabbed my waist and turned me to face him, "c-catnap plz let me go I'm sorry", he looked at me and got close to my face our noses only a few inches from each other, "will you accept our God and join the prototype or suffer the same pain as the others?", I really didn't want to join the prototype but didn't want to die either plus I really wanted to be with catnap cause I loved him so much that i'd honestly do anything for him, Yes i-i'll join you", catnap smiled in satisfaction he got off of me and offered me his hand I took it and picked me up and put me on his back and we started walking.


The more we walked to more darker the area we were in got," umm catnap were are we going exactly?", he didn't answer i was getting more nervous the further we when. I made it the mine area and i notice a statue with all kinds of body part of toys i wanted to throw up, catnap stopped walking and picked me up and placed me down in front of the statue," my God I have come back to report", catnap said has he stood up on two feet I heard a sound coming from a above me I slowly looked up and almost scream i saw two glowing eyes and a pair of metal hand," good job catnap who is this", the thing pointed at me and catnap got back on all fours and walked over to me he rapped his tail around me and sat down next to me," he is one of my friends sir he is like me to worship you my Saviour", the thing's hand got close to me and pat my head, i shivered with fear," oh another servant for me excellent i hope you make yourself comfortable in your new home with us catnap with take you with him on he's daily rounds what is your name child?", I looked up at the thing," D-Dogday s-sir"," well dogday allow me to tell you some rules here since your new", he grabbed my shoulder with a tight grip hurting me a little," you will do what i say when i say and if you fuck up in anyway or disobey me i will kill you slowly and painfully and you are not to have any kind of relationships with my top servant are we clear?", i almost shit myself i quickly shook my head in understanding he then let go of my shoulder and left.

I looked at Catnap who was very happy his tail swings from left the right he then got down to my level and rest his head on my shoulder i blushed," i'm very happy you choose the right choice I promise you'll be happy here with the our God.... and with me.

Man 1,366 words this maybe the longest chapter I made I hope you enjoyed it bye Moonlights :3

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