I quickly got up and walked out of the cafeteria.

It's not my business.

The alpas at this school were the ones you avoided, like your life depended on it. You could only talk to them when they talk to you.

Speak when spoken to was their motto.

The original Alpha of our pack was out for whatever business, so his son, Kalex, was now the acting ruler until his father came back.

If he comes back.

Kalex was ruthless. Since his father's absence, he managed to decrease the packs population tremendously.

I'm not even joking. He walked around, killing wolves like they pissed on his pillow each morning.

Omegas did their best to avoid him and his group.

The pack was sort of old-school, so instead of guns and other weapons, the warriors were trained to use swords, knives, and bows and arrows.

Instead of worshipping the moon goddess like other packs do, we worshipped the king, kalex's father.

Soon, we would be worshipping Kalex if his father does not return.

I loved the moon goddess. She was pure and loved all of her children equally. She did not believe in putting one wolf over another.

The king did.

Alphas were to be worshipped. They were bigger and stronger, and as such, they were deemed the highest of all species.

Betas were stronger than Omegas, but not stronger than an Alpha they were kind of the middle man if you asked me.

Omegas were the weaker beings. Not many male Omegas lived in our pack, though probably 5, including myself.

When you hear Omegas, you would think women, breed able, soft, and probably smell like any flower out there.

Omegas were at the very bottom of the food chain, and we were only known for one thing in this pack to carry offspring.

Omegas were not allowed to work, but we were allowed to go to school and learn the basic things until we found our mates.

Kind of dumb if you asked me because why would I need an education if they won't allow me to work and put the knowledge to use.

I didn't have much to do today, so I was just gonna sit under a tree and wait for azura to finish school so I could go home with her.

I was always so surrounded by my thoughts, and the flashes still weighed on my mind.

My family moved from Japan when I was just a baby to this pack, and we were good.

Dad was a warrior, and mom was always at home doing whatever she could to keep herself busy.

What could I possibly do to protect them?

Die, maybe?

Hmm, that's not a bad idea.

It's not a bad idea at all.

If I were to kill myself or get one of those alphas to do it for me, I wouldn't have to run.

My parents wouldn't have to die either.

But was that too stupid?


I don't think I'm capable of taking my own life, so how do I get one of those big bad wolves to kill me.

I was lost in thought I didn't even hear Azura talking until she pushed me.

I zoned back in.

"Class is over already?" I asked her.

I was only out here for about 5 minutes, and she had a one and a half hour class.


"Yeah, and I've been trying to snap you out of your daze for a good 5 minutes, too." She said as she pulled an apple from her bag.

I've never spaced out for so long before.

"I was just thinking," I simply told her and got up, brushing off my pants.

"About what?" Somehow, I knew she would ask a follow-up question she always does.

I decided to go with something that would divert her attention. "My birthday"

She squealed excitedly and grabbed my arm, pulling me along with her.



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