Chapter 5: One for the History Books

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he then looked towards the hunter. "Hunter I could use your help, drop by later if you will." He received a nod and grunt of acknowledgement from the man as the commander spoke up and looked towards the Huntsman sitting behind him. "Another thing. That troubling report we received; think you could...?" The huntsman regarded his old friend for a second before speaking. "Right" he said as he nodded. "Good then. Let's get this show on the road! We have an Elder Dragon to Capture, everyone dismissed!" As everyone dispersed, the hunter and handler went to the botanist and were told to hunt a Tobi-Kadachi receiving a ghillie mantle from the botanist. The duo left almost immediately after receiving the request, but not before stopping by the Canteen.

Jason POV

After I had dropped Leah off in Astera, I had begun to lay low, well, more low than usual. Small search groups came by every now and then, but they were usually driven off by the Anjanath that lives around here. I've also noticed a Tobi Kadachi has begun to roam the area recently, but neither of them tends to bother me much, sometimes the Tobi will stumble upon me, and act all tough to drive me off but usually just standing there makes it second guess itself and it leaves. The Anjanath on the other hand usually smells me before it gets near me, and it goes the other direction. 

Earlier I had seen Leah and the hunter flying over the forest into Astera by wing drake with a third person behind them, away from the direction of the Wild spire. I wonder what that was about, those two usually work alone. I was currently just wandering through the ancient forest and admiring its beauty. The game did a fantastic job of it, but it just can't compete with real life. The sounds, sights, and the smells, it was all amazing. I have been doing this since early morning, watching life go on, all the small creatures, even the bug trappers, who, while still wary of me, have grown used to my Prescence. I have yet to run into the first Wyverian, but no doubt he's fully aware of me.

As I'm walking, I can hear the nearly silent footsteps of the Tobi Kadachi going around me and up the tree, clearly trying to avoid me. I look towards where it's climbing and it immediately stops in its tracks as it looked back at me, trying to hide itself. "Nice try but I can still see ya lil' buddy." I thought with a smirk as I looked away and heard it begin to scuttle away quickly. As I began to walk, I could feel my stomach rumble, so I began to head where there's always Aptonoth. A small, secluded clearing in the forest where you save the handler from the Deviljho.

The closer I got to the clearing, the more I could hear the stomping of the Aptonoth who were blissfully unaware of me while they munched away on whatever caught their fancy. When I could see them through the brush, I didn't bother to crouch and rushed in, not like any of them could dodge me in time. They tried but there wasn't anything they could do. As they began to scatter, I targeted the largest ones I could see. Immediately, I backhanded one of the larger Aptonoth, feeling it crumple against my paw, and sweeping my tail behind me and sending a second one flying into air and both soon landed hard ground.

Grabbing the two Aptonoth, I take off towards my tree. As I cleared the treetops, I looked out over the area, seeing if anything was going on, and in the distance, I could see, coming from Astera via wing drake once again, Leah and the Hunter heading towards the camp near the main clearing. "Great, wonder what they want. I don't think they're after me in particular cause if so, o think Leah would more than likely make her wing drake fly all the way up to the top of the tree. It must be about either the Tobi or the Anjanath. Wait a minute......" 

The realization made me stop midair as I watched them land. "It has to be the Tobi. This is the first Tobi that's been around here and, in the game, when there is both a Tobi and an Anjanath, it's the precursor to the first encounter with Zorah." There were no other large monsters in the area but those two. I haven't seen a great Jagras for a few days so I think I can rule out them just going on an expedition.

Reincarnated as Safi'JiivaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang