"I can see that." Kenzie said as she snacked on a pack of cool ranch doritos.

"It's a lot nicer and sure beats feeling panicked at how many people are demanding service and telling you that their food is too whatever and so on." Jeff explained. Kenzie nodded and sighed.

"How many people usually come here?" She asked.

"On a good day, probably about-" He started, trying to think of a reasonable number before Kenzie interrupted him.

"You have no idea do you?" She asked. Jeff chuckled and shook his head.

"Not in the slightest Kenz." He replied.

Kenzie was about to reply when the bell above the door opened and someone called out for her uncle.

"Be right out Simon." Jeff called as he set his snacks down on the table.

"I'll be back soon. Feel free to look around some more." Jeff told Kenzie as he stood up and walked out to greet Simon who was looking at the selection of fishing hooks.

"Thanks." She replied but she wasn't sure if Jeff heard her as he had disappeared around the corner.


While Jeff was out the front conversing with some customers, Kenzie wandered around the shop checking it out, hoping to find something to do but it was no use, there wasn't much to do. Well, she knew she could help Jeff and restock some shelves but since she didn't really know where things went yet, she decided to return to the room in the back of the shop.

She sat back at the table and pulled out her phone from her bag and it was there that she saw a missed call from Zarah.

Kenzie took a drink of her coke and then pressed Zarah's number to call her back.

"Meet any cute guys yet?" Zarah asked dramatically as she answered the device, making Kenzie burst out laughing.

"I've not been here long enough for that and besides, I'm in a place right now that only old people come to." Kenzie replied and Zarah chuckled.

"I heard that." Jeff called from the front as he grabbed some of the items that needed restocking.

Kenzie pulled the phone from her ear and leaned back in her chair so that she could make sure Jeff  heard her more clearly.

"Sorry." She remarked goofily, making Jeff grumble in response.

"How is your uncle?" Zarah asked and Kenzie shrugged.

"He's good. Pretty much unchanged." She answered and Zarah hummed.

"How's spindles?" Kenzie asked, taking a sip of her soda.

"He's alright. I gave him a couple fresh flowers and now he's cleaning himself." Zarah replied.

"That's good. Thank you for looking after him for me." Kenzie said with a smile.

"You're welcome. It's been fun." Zarah replied before her mother called for her to come downstairs.

"Bummer, gotta go." Zarah announced and Kenzie grunted in annoyance playfully.

"Fine. I'll call you if I find anyone." Kenzie told her friend suggestively and Zarah laughed.

"You're damn right you will. I want every detail bro." She said.

"Bye." Kenzie replied as she and Zarah hung up.

Kenzie smiled to herself. She was glad that her bee was doing well and she was glad that Zarah seemed to be doing well too.

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