Chapter 2 - Fun Day, Park Day.

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Chapter 2 – Fun Day, Park Day. (Dallas)

Manchester, UK - Home - 10:35am

After weeks of the same schedule, get up, go to work, come home, take a shower and eat dinner, then go to bed. Each day was always repeating, nothing new. It was never going to change. My phone soon rang, hearing the quiet ringtone within the living room. I looked at the number and it was Tamara, Samuel's sister, and I was genuinely surprised she wanted to talk to me, even after I let Samuel walk away. I picked up the phone and answered it, hearing her soft voice once again after many years. She asked if I had a break soon, for she wanted to take me with her to Alton Towers.

Alton Towers is a very...interesting theme park. The ride themes feel extremely dark and nefarious among the peaceful park. I used to go to this theme park as a kid, but once I got older I felt as if the place was nothing but chaos. My favorite ride was Nemesis, for the theme was about a large alien and the track was all twisted. I responded to her and told her that I would love to join her, even though I had this bad feeling in my chest. She told me to be ready in the next 2 hours and I was surprised she told me to get ready that quickly.

So I did what I was told and got my few things together. I didn't know how long we were staying at the resort, but I hope it wouldn't be for long. As I get things together, it reminds me of how me and Samuel used to visit the theme park every summer together. It makes me feel distant from him now since I have no idea where he even is anymore.

What if he is dead?

What if he abandoned me?

What if he doesn't love me anymore?

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