Chapter 6 - Cameras, Everywhere.

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Chapter 6 - Cameras, Everywhere. (Samuel & Dallas)

Alton Towers - The Smiler Station - 3:15pm

"I guess the rain really soaked your brain, huh? It's not usual at all to come into the theme park during closing hours.", The Smiler stated with a wide smile, drying off Dallas with a towel. He was drying him off quite a bit, and gave him a dry hoodie for him to wear. "Now, here is a clean and dry hoodie for you to use. I always say that it is bad luck wearing soaking wet clothes.", he laughed happily.

Dallas remained quiet, for he was still very shocked from the whole interaction with one of the ride owners. He looked around the station very carefully, making sure not to touch anything or even bump into anything. He took the hoodie from the odd man carefully, and placed it over himself. "I am so sorry that I am being very quiet. It's just...very odd talking know...The Smiler himself? Hopefully I don't make a fool of myself in front of you, not because you might hurt me or anything...!"

The Smiler laughed slightly, and sat down in the ride operator's chair. He felt as if Dallas actually thought that he would hurt him, but he subsided that thought. "Say, what is your name, sir? You just seem oddly familiar."

Dallas quietly mumbled to himself, knowing that it was odd for The Smiler to know who he was. "Well, Mr. Smiler sir, my Dallas Holloway..."

The Smiler took a good look at Dallas, but then his eyes widened quickly. "Well, Mr. Holloway, I think we should get you back to your resort as fast as possible before anyone realizes you are here! I am sorry, but it's for safety reasons..!"

Dallas shook his head no, for he didn't want to leave. But, whenever he took a look out the station window, many cameras were pointed towards him. He immediately fell quiet and he hid behind The Smiler. "What did I do?!"

"You kinda like...came here during closing hours...and they wouldn't really want you to see me anyway because of some privacy reasons that I cannot share because they specifically tell me not to say anything at all about my whole situation...and it clearly doesn't have to deal with your husband or anything..hahaha nope!!"

Dallas stared at The Smiler, only following up with a single question.

"How do you know my husband..?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05 ⏰

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