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I rolled over in bed and sighed, holding my favorite teddy to my chest as I gazed at the clock, watching the minutes tick by.  

1:07 AM

Where was Yuji? I expected him to be over by now, and I didn't receive any texts or calls from him. Maybe something came up with his Grandpa. I hoped everything was okay as I sigh and quickly shot him a text. 

"Goodnight. Call me tomorrow morning <3"

I then put down my phone and let myself fall asleep. I needed rest if I ever wanted to recover, and I understood that Yuji may have been too busy to come visit me even though it made me a little sad. 


The entire night and all of the next night went by without hearing anything from Yuji. The next morning, I began to really worry. We usually walked to school together, and he wasn't at our meeting spot. I checked my phone. Still nothing. I swallowed back my worry for now and walked to school alone.

I put my earbuds in and listened to some music on my way there, dreading a test I was going to have to take when I rounded the corner and my jaw dropped, seeing the state the school was in. It looked like a bomb had gone off inside!

I called Yuji twice, no answer. I then tried to call Sasaki, who finally answered and explained what happened. 

"So, that little trinket was really cursed?! What the hell?" My face went pale as she told me that Iguchi had ended up in the hospital after last night's occult club escapade. I had always been one to have fun playing with spooky things like ouji boards and old mysterious looking objects, but I had never really considered how dangerous these very real things could be with if not careful. 

Sasaki sighed. "Yeah, Itadori and some other boy with dark hair saved us. Iguchi and I might not be alive right now if not for them." 

My eyes widened at the mention of Yuji. "He did?! Have you seen him? I'm so worried."

I swallowed hard and bit my lip, looking around as Sasaki answered. "Yeah. He was just here at the hospital and explained to us about the careful. We really ought to be more careful—"

I tuned out her voice as I heard footsteps approach behind me and finally, after a day of hearing nothing, I saw Yuji. His face looked dull despite the weak smile on his face. I dropped my phone to the ground and I jumped up, throwing my arms around his neck. 

"Yuji?! O-oh my god... What happened?"

"Y/n..." He whispered, his soft voice shaking a bit as he placed his hand on the small of my back. He looked like he had a million things to say, but nothing seemed to come out. I looked up at him, worry evident in my eyes before I furrowed my brows a bit as I noticed what looked like two crescent shaped scars under his eyes. 

"...What's this?" I gently brushed my thumb over them as I sniffled and he flinched, not replying. 

"I'm sorry I didn't come see you last night." He uttered, changing the subject and I frowned, slowly retracting my hands from him as he flinched. I had never seen him like this before. 

I shook my head in response as rain started to trickle down over us, his eyes flickering to the dump of our old high school. "It's okay... y-you don't look well." I whispered, my lips dipping down into a deep frown. 

He didn't say anything and I swallowed hard, biting my inner cheek before breaking the silence again. "Do you want to come home with me? Maybe we can watch a movie and talk about what happened. Or...not..." 

I shivered as the rain got heavier and wet us both, my hair sticking to the sides of my cheeks as I slid my hand into his. 

He seemed to come back a little as I shivered and he nodded, sliding his arm around my shoulders and walking me home. I had no idea what happened to him in the time we were apart, but it worried me by how he was acting.

Eventually, when we got home and I sat down beside him on the couch, he yawned and seemed to relax a bit. We shared a blanket and I smiled as I felt his familiar arm slide around me as my cold made me shiver and sniffle. 

I was about to ask Yuji if he was okay, but I noticed his eyes were closing. Maybe after a little nap, he would be more open to talk? Though right as they closed, they opened right back up and I watched in shock as dark tattoo like marks formed on his face and hands, the crescent shaped scars on his face opening into a second set of eyes. 

I gasped and froze, thinking I must've fallen asleep and was dreaming as I felt his muscles grow a little and saw long, dark nails form on his usually soft, comforting hand. I screeched and flung myself away from him, my eyes wide with horror, pulling the covers in front of me. 

Yuji, or what used to be Yuji, looked around like he had just woken up and was observing the new setting he woke up in. Finally, he turned and laid his four eyes on me, his cold grimace tugging into a wicked smirk. 

"Oh," he muttered, his voice much deeper and darker. It didn't sound like Yuji at all. "What's this?"

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