I'm not a moron.

120 8 8

March 1996, Woodsboro, CA

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March 1996, Woodsboro, CA.

Stuart Macher

I open my eyes and confusion hits me, not recognising the room straight away. It's Billy's, of course but he's not here. I sit up, leaning against the wall behind me and rubbing at my eyes before looking around the bland room that doesn't even come close to resembling the boy who it belongs to. 'What's the point, I'm not staying' he said when I mentioned making it more him. I get him. This isn't his home. It never has, never will.

A sudden panic twists at my gut, where is he? I push myself off the bed and cross the room to the door and follow the hall to the bathroom where the sound of water grabs all of my attention. My heart beats heavy and fast, so I can hear it in my ears as I try the handle and it opens. Billy is leant against the tub dressing his arm with bandages, I practically run towards him, leaning down to him offering my help, but what I could do, I don't actually know.

"You good?" Billy lifts his eyes up to me, in that sarcastic way he always does. His hair falls down in front of them, I tentatively move it out of his way, my hand almost stuttering.

"Yeah, I'm good" My heart slows back down "Can I do anything?" My voice comes out quieter than I want, I sound like a kid. I clear my throat "I can help" Stronger, that's better. I sit down on the edge of the tub next to him, angled so we're sorta facing each other. I take the bandage from his hand and continue folding it over his arm until it feels secure.

"I can do it myself" Billy says but not with much conviction. His eyes are watching my hands carefully place the medical tape.

"I wanna help, it's done now. Is there anymore?" I force his eye contact by lowering my head, so he has to meet my eyes. A thing I've done a thousand times and will probably do a million times more. His eyes try to shift away, they look so dark and the dark circles under them are even heavier than usual. But his eyes, black almost. Vacant.

"I'm good" He gets to his feet, escaping the closeness "I did the other one already" He walks over to the unit and pulls a long sleeved sweater over his head. Then turns to look at himself in the mirror, pushing his hair back with his fingers which as always falls straight back down. He sees me watching him from the reflection "I said, I'm good" His tone, blunt. It cuts me.

I look away, focusing on the porcelain of the tub between my legs. Things feel different, I can't explain how. But they do. I look around the bathroom and realise he's cleaned it up, no sign of the horrors from last night. My stomach twists remembering it.

"How long you been awake?" I ask, not looking up at him scratching mindlessly as the tub.

"I don't know, a while" Flat.

I swallow, trying to make sure my voice doesn't sound as weak as I feel "Are we gonna t-" I hear him walking towards me, I look up and he's glaring down at me. I stop short, not finishing the sentence. His eyes, empty yet his face is.. Different. He puts his hand under my chin and tilts my head closer to his and he kisses me softly then places a kiss just on my bottom lip. My heart starts beating fast again but for a completely different reason.

"There's nothing to talk about Stu" he uses his other hand to stroke the right side of my face then moving it up into my hair, pushing his fingers through the strands. Those black eyes flicking between my eyes and my lips. I tilt my head into his movements so my head rests in his hands. The arousal taking over my better judgement.

"There isn't anything to talk about" He speaks quietly, each word mouthed perfectly whilst his unlit eyes move from mine down to my neck, where he follows biting at my skin, before kissing it. Then dropping the hand from my chin so he can start to unbutton my shirt.

My heart rate keeps increasing, this boy is gonna give me a cardiac arrest. I help him take off my shirt and then I with his. He starts working at my boxers, moving them down my legs.

He's distracting me.

My heart feels like it skips, that's dumb.. more like a hiccup. I kick off my boxers and he stands before me, taking off his own before stretching out his hand for me to take. Of course, I fucking take it.

"He manipulates you, ya know" Tatum's spiteful words come to mind. "No he doesn't, I'm not a moron" I had jabbed back, not sure if she was joking or not.

Billy leads me to his bedroom, his perfect naked ass making it hard to think about anything else. Making me hard, in the process.

He pushes me down onto the bed, then climbs on top of me. His legs straddling over me, he leans over me with his hair hanging forward as our lips meet together. Him tugging at my lips with the same hunger we've had since this all began. He drives me insane. I feel his hand wrap around my shaft, I pull away from the kiss as a moan pushes through, I look down to see his hand start to move up and down. My head lifts back as another moan burns through my throat, he smiles that cruel smile and starts kissing me again, smiling even wider when my moans make me lose the pattern of the kiss.

I'll forget that this is a distraction, for now. My mind is completely consumed by the arousal. By him. When is it never completely enchanted by Billy Loomis.

I'm getting too close. I pull away from his lips and grab him by the waist and flip him onto the bed beside me. I'm on top of him, face to face. He looks at me with those empty eyes, tilting his head to the side like he's studying me. An intensity I don't recognise. I feel my frustration changing the burning hunger into starvation. I turn him over, using one hand to pull his ass higher up so it's closer. His torso arches over, his hands grab onto the sheet. I use my other hand to push my cock inside him, guided by a finger. This time, he moans. His hands twist at the sheet beneath them. I place both of my hands on his hips as I pull out too fast, Billy cries. I push back in, then out. Faster and faster. The ecstasy taking over my whole being, nothing else matters right now. I feel myself getting closer to coming, I move one hand up Billy's back and dig my nails into his skin grabbing onto him, somewhere up by his neck. Our moans, playing off one anothers. I feel him tighten around my cock as he starts to ejaculate, I move my free hand to his cock and start stroking it, matching the strokes to the pace of my thrusts just as we both reach orgasm together. I come into him, he comes onto my hand. Billy's legs buckle beneath him, I fall down on top of him, heavy hard breathes. I pull him so we're laying on our sides, all limbs still intertwined. I can feel both of our bodies panting, I can smell the sex in the room.

Before I've even caught my breath, he pulls out of my arms and moves himself to the edge of the bed looking like he's about to stand. Before he does, he turns his head over his shoulder looking back at me.

"Never fucking mention what happened last night, again" detached, numb. Not even a hint of what we've just done. Like a switch just flicked.

I just look at him, blinking. I don't know what to say.

He pushes himself off the bed and walks out the room, leaving me alone and kinda... bummed.

Don't be so sensitive, he's always been broody. Sure, a little dark and messed up. Aren't we all? It's just the shock. He's just not ready to talk about it yet, that's all. He didn't just sleep with me to get me to shut up, right?

I'm not a moron.

Authors Note

Hi, hello. Sorry it's been a while.. I would really appreciate comments/feedback either here or on tumblr ( loomis-macher.tumblr.com ) I really love hearing what you guys think. It means a lot. And also ty ty ty as this is currently #1 in #stuilly which is crazy..

thanks again


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