They're shells.

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September 1995, Woodsboro, CA

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September 1995, Woodsboro, CA.

5 days before the murder.

"You know when my Grandpa died" Stu sounding melancholic; sat twirling the knife around his fingers, staring at the reflection in the blade.

"What about it?" I stare at him, feeling my eyebrow raising at the randomness of his statement.

"Apparently I had put a piece of paper on his head, like a bandaid thinking it would help" He continues twirling the knife, almost enchanted by it. Why did it make him even more attractive? His blonde hair has gotten longer and it's even more tousled at the front and just above his ears. He's wearing a black 'naked aggression' vest with his toned arms on show, every turn of the knife accentuating the veins and muscles in his arms. I don't know if it's just the knife or he's looking even more attractive today... damn, he's such a distraction. I turn my mind to the memories of Stu telling me about the day his Mom dropped him off at his Grandfather's house; when he was 4, as she did most days, but unfortunately his grandfather had died earlier that morning, was lying dead on the kitchen floor. Mrs Macher being her typical neglectful self, didn't even check on her elderly father just let her 4 year old son run into the house unattended to find his dead Grandpa waiting for him, lying in his own bodily fluids. I didn't remember the bandaid part.

"You did?" I look at his face, his expression unchanging. Blue eyes focusing on the blade.

"Yep, it was like I thought he'd hit his head but I didn't understand he was dead. Not until my Mom came to pick me up the next day. Then I remember thinking, being dead isn't so bad you know" He speaks quietly, stopping the knife with the tip of his index finger holding the point.

I look at him, tilting my head slightly "How did you come to that conclusion?"

"I kept talking to him and trying to move him and nothing happened. I got pretty upset, I was 4. I thought he was hurt or sad. Then my Mom said he was gone, he wasn't there anymore. I thought oh good, he was just a cocoon. Like a shell. I didn't need to put the bandaid on him because he was gone, it was just a corpse" He looks away from the knife and at me, smiling a different smile then the one I'm used to. A tiny drop of blood, drips down his finger.

I move towards him, where he is sat at the kitchen counter. And take the knife from him in one hand and hold his cut finger with the other "I don't get the point of the story Stu"

"When we kill these people, we're ending them. Obviously they're gonna suffer for a while but in the end they're shells" He pulls his blooded finger away and holds it closer to my lips "We can do whatever the fuck we want and tear them to fucking pieces and then they're gone. They're all going to die anyway, don't you think that's beautiful?" His blue eyes look at the blood and my mouth, an absence of light from his eyes. Fuck, how could I have ever doubted this sicko. I kiss his finger, the blood smearing on my lips. "I know you don't like talking about us, stuff but I have gotta tell you, the second I saw you. I knew, I knew I had to know you. I knew we were the same" his eyes, shine even through the darkness.

"Shut it" I go to pull away but he catches my arm, sliding off the stool so he's towering over me. Looking down, lowering his head.

"I mean it Billy. We were meant to be, I feel it man. We were supposed to meet so we could do this, it's why I was so drawn to you-"

I try to step away but he grips harder on my arm "I don't care about anyone else, no one has even came close man. I used to think it was an obsession but it's more than that, I-l" No. I pull the knife up to his throat, pressing it just close enough that it doesn't cut.

"I said, shut it" No, I can't risk getting swept up in his shit again, I need to be focused. I can't let all these feelings cloud my mind.

I feel him gulp beneath the knife and he drops my arm and lifts his hands up in the air. Then a big grin takes over his features "Why is this kinda hot?"

"Eurgh!" I pull the knife away and throw it on the counter, it clanks as it hits the tiles. I put my hands in my hair unconsciously and turn away then circle back to face him, he's laughing.

"Sorry, I'll be good" He straightens himself up and draws an imaginary halo above his head.

"I think that's an impossibility" I sigh and lean against the counter next to him. He crosses the distance between us and stands in front of me, putting his hands on my sides and lifts me up onto the countertop. I look up at him, before I can even say anything he's kissing me hard. One of his hands move up to my hair and the other moves down to my pants, tugging at them. I laugh through the kisses as he focuses on biting my bottom lip. I lift myself up helping him slide down my pants, he pulls away and his eyes widen.

"No boxers?" He barely gets the words out.

"What? I didn't expect us to be going to Church when you invited me round?" I smirk, my one sided smile. His smile grows even bigger, making his eyes crease in that way it does. He carries on kissing me as we undress one another. I know I said that I didn't want to be distracted but I also said he was a compulsion, by definition he is impossible to resist. Just like my other compulsion, one that has plagued my mind for as long as I have known. The desire to hurt, the desire to kill.

I grab his chin and pull his face so close that our noses are touching "I want to watch the light leave their eyes and mirror the emptiness of mine, Stu" My words are strained yet strong.

The smile leaves his face and is replaced by an understanding stare which we've always shared "I want to see what their insides look like, Billy"

"I will do anything for you" I repeat the words back to him, that he spoke to me all those months back.

His eyes, shine. "I will die for you"

Oh Stu, I hope it doesn't have to come to that.

deviants (Stuilly / Billy x Stu / Stu x Billy)Where stories live. Discover now