thats what you get for falling in love (axl rose)

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Bad Medicine - Bon Jovi

'CHERRY', A sweaty Jon screamed backstage, running towards the girl as she flung herself into his arms.
'What the hell are you doing here loser?' Richie spoke softly as he wrapped his arm around his friend.
'We'll,' Cherry began as Jon placed her back on the floor, as prying eyes watched close, 'We heard you idiots were in town and thought we'd come check you out.'
Jon smiled smugly, 'Check us out?', raising his brows, 'Wow, you've really gone full valley girl now.'
Cherry only scoffed in response, flipping her long blonde hair over her shoulder dramatically, 'Well ya know, can't have people knowing i'm from-,' She brought her voice down to a whisper, 'Jersey.'
'JERSEY!' Both Jon and Richie screamed mockingly, faking disgust whilst Cherry rolled her eyes.

'So, princess, you gunna let us take ya out tonight?' Jon questioned.
'Yeah I guess so rockstar,' Jon blushed at that, 'Gotta find Robbie first, she's running around here somewhere.'
Richie's ears pricked at that comment, 'Really?'
Jon and Cherry shared a knowing look, 'Yeah she's got on that really short red dress, you know the one she wore when she was on the cover of playboy last month?' Cherry spoke as a smug smile took over her face, taking any opportunity to hype up her bestfriend.
'We'll uh, I gotta take a shower, so i'll meet up with you guys at the club.' With that Richie stalked away, Jon and Cherry's laughs echoing as his speed increased.

Suddenly, a pale arm slipped its way around Cherry waist, pulling her in close, 'So princess, who's your little friend?'
'Oh! Sorry I forgot about you for a sec there babe,' Axl took a sharp breath in, used to being constantly humbled by his careless girlfriend, 'This is Jon, Jon Bon Jovi, you know, of the band we just saw, pretty sure you were singing along to 'Bad Medicine' hun.' Axl stared Jon down callously, not liking his unusual closeness to his girl.
'Yeah we've known eachother forever, been our biggest fan always haven't ya?' Jon smirked smugly, ruffling Cherry's hair in the process.

'Yeah well that's great,' Axl muttered, pulling Cherry back from Jon's grasp, 'So, Jason, you got a girlfriend?' Cherry rolled her eyes and jabbed her boyfriend in the ribs at his childish comments.
'Actually Jon and his girlfriend just broke up a couple months ago.' The girl continued, a sympathetic smile painted on her face.
'Well isn't that convenient?' Axl hummed under his breath.
'Yeah, im real broken up about it,' Jon pouted, 'That's why Cherry's gunna let me take her dancing tonight, to make me feel better.'
'Well sure, WE'D be more than happy to show you around, I know LA isn't really your scene.', Axl spoke pointedly, 'Let's find Robbie and get going.'
'Yeah, I think she'll be a while.' Cherry laughed to herself as she took Jon's hand in her own as they skipped off, leaving Axl gaping after them.

*at the club*
'And baby, TALK DIRTY TO ME.' Cherry and Jon screamed at the top of their lungs, whilst Axl sat at the booth, nursing a glass of Jack Daniels.
'They're real close huh?' Axl spoke out loud, 'Robbie...Robbie?'
A tousled and flustered Robbie whipped her head around, pulling herself away from the strong grip Bon Jovis guitarist currently had on her.
'For fuck sake Axl, what are ya bitching about now?' She shouted over the music.
Lead singer of guns n roses, biggest rockstar on the planet, every other woman fell at his god damn feet, constantly humbled and undermined by his girlfriend and her best friend. Not an ounce of respect, he thought to himself.
'Nothin'', he sulked to himself, 'Just saying that Jon and Cherry are gettin' pretty close.'
'Ugh Axl! You do this every other fucking week, she loves YOU, for god knows what reason, but she does, she doesn't want Jon, or Izzy or Nikki or Tommy. She wants you. Stop acting like such a little bitch. Either quit moaning, or go dance with her, cuz one way or another she's going home with someone tonight, and at this rate it's not gunna be you!' Robbie finished her speech, pushing Axl up out of his seat, as she turned back to Richie.
'You coulda just told him the truth ya know?.' Richie spoke, raising his eyebrows at Robbie.
'Now where's the fun in that?' The girl chuckled, pulling him back in to continue their make out session.

'Cherry. Get down now. We need to talk.' Axl pulled at her arm, she was about to protest before catching the sincerity in his eyes. Cherry allowed the singer to drag her out to the back of the club.
'Listen, we need to talk, seriously.' Cherry looked at him blankly.
'About what?'
'About you, and all these guys. Look I know I don't act like it, but it really bothers me, seeing you hanging around all these guys, makes me think that i'm not enough for you.'
Cherry was speechless at his revelation, 'But-'
Axl cut her off quickly, 'I know that's just what you're like, and I know you can't help that all these guys want you, but you don't have to spend all night dancing with them, It's just really hard to watch.' He dipped his head as Cherry spoke up.

'We'll as far as the other guys go, i'm not interested, seriously, they mean nothing, we're only messin' around, having some fun,' Axl nodded, a smile creeping onto his face, 'But as for Jon, I can't cut him out of my life, I just love him too much, I mean we've know eachother for so long-' Axl let out a choked squeal at her cold words, as Cherry fought a smile.
'I mean it would make thanksgiving realllly awkward, and I don't think mom would be too pleased.'
Axls head shot up, his eyes full of anger, 'What do you-'
Cherry couldn't help but laugh, 'He's my brother idiot!'
Silence settled over the couple, 'Oh.', was all Axl could muster.
Cherry wrapped her arms around her boyfriends neck, 'We're ya jealous babe, cuz you lurrrrvvv me?', She teased half heartedly, as all of Axls anger slipped away.
'Shut up and kiss me.' And she did.

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