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When Simon woke up, he sat on his bed, crying. His cock was covered in Loren's filthy pussy juices. He was defied, violated by his girlfriend's close friend, who was also his close friend. The boy weeped. It pained him knowing that there was nothing he could do to undo what's already done. He had spurted so much semen into his former friend that his balls were empty, completely drained of cum. She milked him dry.

He knew the memory of how she fucked him mercilessly will be haunting him for a long time.

Finally, he made his way to the bathroom. He took a long shower, trying to wash her scent off of his body. Simon was consumed by self-disgust. Even though he didn't consent to it, he still felt like he betrayed his girlfriend by cumming in another girl.

After he was done showering, Simon dried off with a towel. He put his clothes back on. He told himself to stay strong and not break down, at least not completely.

He found his parents waiting in the living room. They have returned. Simon quickly plastered a fake smile to his face, hiding his inner turmoil very well. There was no reason for them to know what happened to him.

"Hi, honey," his mom said. "Did Loren tell you..."

"That she is in love with me? Yes."

"So are you going to break up with your girlfriend and get together with her?"


"You heard me."

Simon couldn't believe this. His dad was also giving him a similar, expectant look. Both of them wanted him to dump Isabel and get together with Loren?

No, actually it made perfect sense. They adored her when she was a kid and it's clear that both of them still do. But Simon shook his head firmly.

"No," he told them. "I'm not leaving Isabel."

His mom sighed. "Are you sure?" she asked.

"Why do you want me to do that?"

"Because Loren is perfect for you," his dad interjected. The middle aged man said "I know Isabel no longer does it but she used to bully you, didn't she? Why are you even with her in the first place?"

Simon told him "Because she stopped. She showed me people can change, people can improve. They can become better. And I love her. There. I said it. So please give up any notion of me leaving her because I won't do it."

Then he called her and left his place, asking to meet her at a coffeehouse.


Isabel tapped her fingers on the table. She was anxious. There was something in her boyfriend's voice as he spoke to her over the phone - something that she didn't like. It unsettled her and she wanted to know what happened to him.

When he arrived, her frown deepened.

"What happened, baby?" she asked, concerned.

Simon broke down into tears. He flung his arms around her and sobbed.

The bewildered girl patted his back gently. "Shhh, it's okay. I'm here with you. Just take deep breaths, baby."

Finally, Simon managed to speak.

"Loren raped me."


Isabel looked into her boyfriend's eyes. She could tell he was telling the truth.

"She came over to my place. With a knife! A-And she held it and tied me up and..."

Isabel saw red. One of her best friends had just raped her boyfriend. Her instinct was to go kick down Loren's door, drag her out and beat the shit out of her.

But then she thought about how they had been friends for so many years - how all those years were so important to her - so meaningful. And she realized what she should do.

"Don't worry, sweetie," Isabel told her cute boyfriend. "I'll take care of this." She stayed with him and reassured him that she didn't blame him at all for what had happened.

Then she went to her friend's house.


Isabel was happily watching TV. She smiled to herself as she thought about what she pulled off. She had gotten the love of her life to cum inside her several times in a row! That made her feel pretty amazing.

Suddenly there was a knock on her front door. The girl frowned.

Her parents shouldn't be home yet. She got up from her couch and walked over to look through the peephole. It was Isabel.

She opened the door for her without thinking. It never occurred to her that Simon would tell Isabel about what had happened. "Hey!" she said. "What's up?" Isabel glared at her

"I just had a conversation with Simon."


It slowly dawned on Loren as she took in her friend's face that she made a serious miscalculation.

"Isabel, I can explain..."

"No need. You are one of my best friends and I love you, but that doesn't give you the right to rape my boyfriend."

"I'm so sorry..."

"I'll share him with you."

"Really, I am...Wait, what?"

"You heard me," Isabel said. "If you want my sloppy seconds, fine. You can eat my leftovers. By which I mean you can suck his cock and fuck him, but only after I coat him in my pussy juices. Are you okay with that?"

"Oh my god! Thank you so much! Yes, I'm more than okay with it!"

"Good. Now we just have to talk to him and tell him about our arrangement."

"You mean it wasn't his idea?" Loren asked. Isabel rolled her eyes.

She told her "Of course not. Did you really think that Simon of all people would suggest something like this?"

"No, you're right."

The girls then discussed some plans before they went to the gym together to work out. Isabel made it clear she was only going to allow it because Loren was such a dear friend to her, and Loren made plain her great gratitude. Neither of them paused to consider whether Simon would be okay with this. Isabel knew she had him sufficiently pussywhipped - he would do whatever she asked of him.

Author's Note : Next chapter will be the last one!

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