Chapter 21

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I take a look outside to see my reflection in the window of my office

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I take a look outside to see my reflection in the window of my office. I check my phone and realize it's already 11 pm and the lights in my office don't allow me to look into the dark night outside my building.

I sigh and look back down at my paperwork. It should've been done hours ago but I'm finding myself without an assistant because she's on maternity leave and now there are many more things I need to do.

As I'm about to fall asleep on my desk, there is a soft knock on the door and I groan, telling them to get in. I look up and sit a little straighter when I see Ares walk in.

"Oh." I don't really know what to say to him, and also, I don't really know what he is doing here at this time.

"Hi, I was hoping you'd still be here." He says softly getting in and closing the door behind him.

He takes a few steps closer to me and I suddenly feel a little uncomfortable, remembering the last time we were alone in my office.

"But I'll make sure to make your life a living hell. You'll feel right at home, diablessa."

"How can I help you?"

"I'm here to pick up the paperwork for Theo and myself."

"Oh right sure." I push on my legs, making the chair slide across the room to the shelf where I keep all the binders. Once I have the one I was looking for, I push my way back to my desk, open the binder, and then take out the paperwork for Ares and his brother and give it to him.

"Thanks." he takes a few steps back and turns around to leave but I am surprised when I see him stop at the door, just standing there in silence.

"Yes?" He slowly turns around but he is not looking at me, he prefers to pay attention to the ground. Ares brings his hand up to his mouth and clears his throat.

"How- um, do you have any news about your father's plane?" I'm a little taken aback by his question and I slowly get up, closing the binder and walking to the shelf to place it back.

"Ares, what are you doing?"

"I don't know." I walk back to my desk and stand next to it, crossing my arms in front of my chest. His eyes fly to me and then looks back down at the ground. I think he wants to say something.

"Ares, what do you want to know?"

"Are you still sleeping with my brother?" I scoff and take a few steps back getting behind my desk and arranging my papers.

"That is none of your business." I tell him and I feel the tension in the room suddenly rise as he moves closer to me slamming the document back on my desk. It almost makes me flinch and I take a couple of steps back.

"You are, aren't you?"

"It's not of your business if I do or not." I'm a little surprised Theo didn't say anything about this to his brother. We slept together just that one time, and the morning after that, but the point is, it was a one-time thing. We have absolutely no feelings towards each other and even though he is very attractive I wouldn't sleep with him. We got too close as friends to do it again.

"Just answer the fucking question." His jaw is locked, and his breathing is erratic. He is definitely angry about this and even though I love watching him freak out like that, I do not have a death wish.

"I'm not sleeping with him. It was a one-time thing." I look back down at my desk but still see him nod in my peripherical vision. Then I see his hand reach for the paperwork he threw oh so delicately on my desk before. As he is about to grab it, he decides otherwise and puts his hand flat against the papers I'm trying to arrange.

I look up and realize how close our faces are right now. His eyes are still angry.

"You're obnoxious, you know that?" he snaps in my face and this time I do not let it slide. I cross my arms in front of my chest and lean on my right leg.

"You're not exactly loveable either." He takes a step closer to me, trying to intimidate me but I do not move. I just keep looking at him and I can't help the small smirk to appear on my face.

"You make me want to kill myself sometimes." It's almost as if he is whispering it to me but I can still hear him loud and clear.

"Oh, please do." I uncross my arms and rest my hands on my waist. He takes another step forward.

"You're fucking insufferable. I can't stand you." How the hell does he think he is?

"Well me neither!" he chuckles and takes the last step basically screaming in my face.



One heartbeat

Two heartbeats.

A gasp leaves my lips when his hands push me against the wall, holding my jaw and waist. I tangle mine in his hair as his lips come crashing down on mine, leaving me breathless. He pushes his body against mine and I can't help the whimper leaving my lips as his leg slides between mine, pressing against me. I force myself off the wall pushing him back but his hand wraps around my throat, pushing me back violently against the wall making me moan.

At the sound of it, he groans against my lips and moves his head, his lips falling next to his fingers on my neck and leaving sloppy kisses on it. I arch my back against him and lift my leg on his side. His hand comes down to it and the other one leaves my neck and grabs the other one, pulling me up against the wall so I can wrap my legs around his waist. As my back collides with the wall once again, I feel his lips kiss my neck and cleavage, his hands sliding further up, holding me by my ass and squeezing it a little, making me bite my lip.

My hand pulls his head back by his hair, earning myself another groan that rushes straight to my core. I press my lips against his' and I feel his tongue asking for entrance and I open my mouth allowing him to take control of the kiss. My back leaves the wall as he walks me to the desk and drops me on it.

"I want to touch you." He whispers against my lips, and I feel one of his hands sliding on my leg as the other one grabs my waist, pulling me to the edge of the desk and closer to him.

I wrap my legs around his waist and pull him to me, feeling the effect our kiss has on him. I can feel him against me and at this moment, it's sending a shiver down my spine, making me want so much more.

"Ares." I moan against his lips and we both pull away, our eyes locking. All we can hear is our heavy breathing, we're waiting for something to happen.

Ares and I kissed.

Me and Ares kissed.

We kissed.

He kissed me.

I kissed him back.

Everything happens so fast as he clears his throat, takes a step back, grabs the paperwork next to me, and storms out, leaving me breathless on my desk. Hungry for more. Horny for him.

Oh my god.

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