Chapter 10

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It's been two days since Ares' weird outburst

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It's been two days since Ares' weird outburst. At first, I didn't understand why he was so preoccupied with who I slept with until I realized that maybe he's been fooling himself for a long time.

Ares is a very closed-off person, he always was. Our childhood was complicated, our parents were working their ass off to make sure we could have food on the table at night and he is trying every day to do better for himself, me, and our parents.

We started this business together to give back everything our parents ever gave to us.

The more Ares cares, the more he pushes away. I was surprised when he hit off so easily with Loes back in the time. He never pushed her away. He accepted who she was and kept her close. But now that it comes to it. Now that I've seen and heard the doubts he has, I'm wondering if he did not, unconsciously, keep Loes to have a link with the person he is pushing away.


If it is what I think it is, he has a problem. Because this asshole will hurt more people than he thinks. He needs to sort out his priorities, cause if the thing with Loes breaks, he loses Athena too.

If he could hear me think, he'd probably say I'm crazy, but I know my brother more than he knows himself.

I arrive at the desk of a secretary, and she immediately smiles at me widely, checking me out.

"Can I help you, sir?"

"Uhm, yes. Athena Davis called me this morning and told me to come."

"Your name, please."

"Theo Moreno." She types on her keyboard and then reaches for the phone clicking on one single button and bringing it to her ear.

"Miss Davis, I have mister Moreno here, should I send him up?" She nods and then hangs up the phone. "Take this elevator, 13th floor, she will be waiting at the elevator."

"Thank you"

"No problem, Theo Moreno." I smile awkwardly at her and get in the elevator, making my way to the thirteenth floor as I was told.

I notice that there is no stupid elevator music, that must be a little plus from Athena. She seems like that kind of person.

When the doors open, she is indeed standing in front of me.

"Hello, handsome." She greets and I roll my eyes bending down a little so I can give her a kiss on the cheek.

"How are you?" I ask her as she silently asks me to follow her.

"Good, I had an idea and I want your opinion on it."

"Oh." I say, interested in what she has to tell me. We enter a big office. It has her desk, a couch with a little coffee table and the windows are huge. "Oh, Miss CEO." She chuckles and mentions the couch for us to sit.

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