Chapter 7

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The strong alcohol burns my throat as I throw my head back and drink my shot

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The strong alcohol burns my throat as I throw my head back and drink my shot. I put the glass down on the counter at the same time as Ares does, sighing heavily.

His arm muscles flex and his jaw clenches. Ares brings one of his hands to his face and rubs his eyes.

"What's going on?" I ask him. He snaps out of his thoughts as if he forgot I was there and looks at me quickly. He avoids my question and calls the bartender over. "Don't ignore me, what's going on?" I push him again, but he just gestures to the bartender approaching us and leans a little closer to him.

"Could I have a Long Island iced tea please?" The man nods and walks away.

"Since when do you drink Long Island iced tea?"

"I was going for a whiskey but changed my mind when you started talking." His answer is cold and rude, but it only makes me chuckle.

"What's going on?"

"Shut the fuck up, Miles."

"You know, one day, you are going to wake up and realize just how amazing I am. You will ask for forgiveness, and I will not give it to you." I tell him placing drastically a hand on my chest, acting as if I was hurt.

"Or you can walk home tonight." The bartender places the drink in front of him, Ares pays for it and starts sipping.

"And as I was saying, I love you and I suck." He smiles against his straw and takes another sip before pushing the drink in front of me. I comply, take a small sip of my drink, and then push my hand on the counter so my stool can spin, and I rest my back against the counter, looking into the dancing crowd. The music is loud, and the lights are somber but hot, like the guy right in front of me.

His golden blond hair reflects the red and blue lights shiningly, but everything about him makes him mysterious and... somber.

He dances with a girl, holding her by the waist close to him, they are face to face and smiling at each other. He steps away from her and makes her spin one time as she starts to laugh. When she comes to a stop her eyes drift to me, and she halts for a moment then pushes herself up and says something to the blond guy's ear who turns his head in my direction. Our eyes lock and I understand.

So gay.

I rest my elbows on the bar behind me and spread my legs a little. His eyes drift to my clothes and a smirk forms on my lips. He licks his' and then passes a hand through his hair as he looks back into my eyes.

So fucking hot.

"I don't think I want to marry her" I snap out of my thought and almost fall out of my chair as Ares brings me back to the moment.

"What'd he say?" I ask him and sit upright in my seat. He glares at me, and I notice that his drink is now almost empty. I look quickly back at the dance floor to see that my golden boy has gone missing.

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