Chapter 2 : Interrogation

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I forgot to mention; SPOILERS!


Chapter 2 - Interrogation

The next morning, Connor arrived early at the police station for the interrogation of the suspect they had found the day before in the dead man's attic. He pushed open the glass doors of the crowded building, then walked quietly to the reception desk, where an Android greeted him before directing him to the offices in the back. Machinically, with a confident gait, he passed through the automatic security gates to enter the open space where many humans worked.

Men and women of all ages and backgrounds were gathered here. Working closely together to fight crime on every street corner in the city of Detroit. The ringing of telephones echoed in the spacious room, as did the clatter of keyboard keys as they worked on their daily tasks, voices rising in the raised glass office. The space of the police department's grand chief. Blinking in confusion as he met the skeptical gaze of a man sitting on a bench, the RK800 walked between the desks in search of the one that belonged to Lieutenant, hoping to find him there. Unfortunately for him his desk was empty, but not the one next to his.

Jenna Anderson had her eyes glued to her computer screen and didn't seem to have noticed him yet as he calmly made his way between the desks to his destination. Besides, no one really seemed to notice his presence, he noted. Either the humans were too busy, or they were ignoring him. Two plausible hypotheses. Staring at the young woman seated opposite him, Connor cocked his head to one side, then decided it might be time to introduce himself properly to the human he'd met last night at the crime scene. After all, they had worked together. At his silent approach, she finally looked up at him. Her expression seemed at first surprised however a sympathetic smile quickly spread across her lips as she recognized him.

"Hello, my name is Connor. I'm the Android RK800 sent by CyberLife." Connor recited in a robotic but friendly voice. The woman sitting in an uncomfortable black armchair hesitated for a moment before giving a small nod and standing up to extend a hand.

"Nice to meet you! We haven't really had a chance to introduce ourselves. My name is Jenna Anderson. Connor is a nice name for an Android." She replied, tilting her head as well, her smile growing as he studied her hand at length.

Should he take it?

His LED flashed as he finally took her hand in his and shook it politely. It was the very first time he'd done this and the contact wasn't unpleasant ... Connor imitated her kind expression and then returned her gentle smile while enjoying the fact that he'd managed to establish a friendly bond with a human. Another first! And maybe if he had Jenna's trust, he'd eventually be able to convince the Lieutenant to give him his trust? He noticed that a slight flush had impregnated the young woman's cheeks, but when he scanned her, he saw nothing strange. Only a slightly higher than normal heart rate.

"You... Wait for my uncle, is that it? Please, sit down!" Suggested Jenna at once, a little uncomfortable under the Android's insistent gaze. With a clear throat, she pointed to the chair beside her, then smiled again when Connor accepted her proposal with a thank you.

He took his seat with his back straight and his hands resting on his knees, while his eyes stared straight ahead. Virtually motionless in his seat, he now looked more like a machine than a human ... From where she was, Jenna couldn't see the LED at his temple, the indicator of his consciousness. So she didn't know what state of mind he was in. If any state of mind there was ... Once again, she cleared her throat in embarrassment before sitting back in her chair beside the static RK800, unable to take her eyes off his flawless face. Fascinated by him, she studied him scrupulously, leaning forward a little to get a better look at the details of his handsome Apollo face. Until his angelic voice brought her back to the present.

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