Ham-Ham Heartbreak, Part 1

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Hamtaro and the others couldn't believe that Laura and Travis could talk to hamsters now, which was something they did not expected at all. Hamtaro: "So... you can understand what I'm saying now?" Laura: "That's right." Hamtaro: "... Wow!, that's amazing!" Bijou: "Wee, it certainly is." Boss: "So you can understand me too?" Travis: "You got it, are you a friend of Hamtaro and Bijou?" Boss: "Yeah, name's Boss, wild hamster." Travis: "Well it's nice to meet you." Tommy: "But... how could you understand them?" Gidget: "Yeah... humans don't just suddenly learn how to understand animal speech out of the blue like this..." Laura: "Well... we didn't... it was a gift she gave us." Melody: "She who?" Travis: "Her." said Travis, pointing at another hamster that came to the scene. It was beautiful female hamster with angel wings and a halo, and the sight of her made Boss blush and his heart began to race a little. Her name was Harmony (voiced by Amy Birnbaum), and she was a hamster angel from Heaven itself, and the Hamsters gasped by the sight of her. Hamtaro: "No way... Harmony?" Bijou: "The Hamster Angel herself?" Harmony: "Yes my dears, that's who I am." Jokeo: "You know her?" Boss: "We should... every hamster knows her... she is the guardian angel of the love for hamsters everywhere... but why are you here?" Harmony: "I had to come... for the love in this neighborhood and you ham-hams are in terrible danger." Melody: "Oh dear..." Jokey: "That's not good..." Gidget: "Does it have to do with the Demon trio?" Harmony: "You could say that... and it involves Spat as well." Hamtaro/ Bijou/ Boss: "Spat?!" gasped the three hamsters in shock and fear as they went to hide behind Laura and Travis. Tommy: "Who's Spat?" Boss: "He's the Hamster Devil... who's goal is to cause heartbreaks for many hamsters... he's bad news..." Harmony: "Yes, and tomorrow is Valentine's day, the day Spat will make his move... and helps the Demon trio on catching the Toon kids." Laura: "Oh no..." Travis: "We can't let that happen..." Harmony: "I know you won't, that's why I gave you two the gift of talking to hamsters, so you can help them on stopping both Spat and the Demon trio." Hamtaro: "Really?" Harmony: "Yes, so in other words, the fate of the love of hamsters and the Toon kids rest in your paws." Bijou: "Oh my... getting a mission from Lady Harmony herself... this is a real honor..." Boss: "Yeah... don't worry my lady, the love of the hamsters and these kids are in good paws." Harmony: "Good to hear... but be careful... Spat can disguise himself as anyone... so be on your guard." said Harmony, before a she uses her wings to fly away from the scene. Hamtaro: "Wow... I never thought I could see lady Harmony herself..." Bijou: "Wee... same here..." Boss: "I don't think any of us did..." when night came, Hamtaro was in his cage, trying to sleep, but had trouble as he was having nightmares about Spat and the Demon trio breaking the hearts of many hamsters and stealing the Toon kids, forcing him to wake up in fright, waking up Laura in the process. Laura: "Hamtaro?, are you okay?" Hamtaro: "Yeah... just had a bad dream... Laura... I'm really worried... what if we fail the mission that lady Harmony has given us?, I don't want anything to happen to Tommy, his sister or their friends..." Laura: "Don't worry Hamtaro... everything's gonna be alright, after all, we have each other to help out." Hamtaro: "Yeah... you're right... thanks Laura... and I'm really happy that I can talk to you like this now..." Laura: "Yeah... me too." said Laura, before she and Hamtaro went back to bed to get some sleep. When morning came, Laura and Travis went to school, but noticed that a lot of the students were fighting with each other, much to their confusion. Turns out that the Demon trio and the Hamster Devil known as Spat (voiced by Ted Cole), a hamster with horns, demon wings and a pitch fork, have disguised themselves as some of the students and tricking them to think they were being mean to them and causing them to fight one another enough to break up and stuff. Spat: "Ah, ha, ha, ha!, [making a raspberry] those idiots!, oh I just love my job." ScreamClaw: "Okay... so how is this gonna get us those brats?" ThunderSmacker: "Yeah?" SpaceWarp: "Uh oh..." Spat: "That's easy... [making a raspberry] this breaking up thing we're doing is just the bait to lure them out... they'll have to come out of hiding to fix the love here... and when the time is right... [making a raspberry] we nab 'em!" ScreamClaw: "Ooh you little devil... I like that plan..." ThunderSmacker: "Me too, it's a good plan... for one that wasn't made by my superior mind of course." SpaceWarp: "B-b-but... will it work?" Spat: "Of course it will, [making a raspberry] my plans never fail!" SpaceWarp: "Uh... what about the t-t-time that Harmony..." Spat: "This is different! [making a raspberry], this time, my plan won't fail!" Travis: "Not if we have something to say and or do about it!" called out Travis, before he and Laura came over in front of the demons, who were surprised at first before getting an evil grin on their faces. ScreamClaw: "Well if isn't the human pair that tried to protect the hamsters..." ThunderSmacker: "So nice to see you again." SpaceWarp: "It is...?" Spat: "Yes, [making a raspberry] for they're the key on getting those Toon kids." Laura: "What do you mean?" ScreamClaw: "You'll see... SpaceWarp!, now!" ordered ScreamClaw, before SpaceWarp exhales his sleeping gas from mouth that went into the faces of Laura and Travis, and it wasn't long before the pair started to fell asleep and fell to the ground while the demons just laughed. Back with Hamtaro, he along with Bijou, Boss, and the Toon kids were trying to keep their guard up, knowing that Spat and the Demon trio were around somewhere nearby, ready to pounce on them. Hamtaro: "Any sign of them?" Bijou: "No... not a trace." Boss: "Seems clear in my end." Tommy: "Well... let's not drop our guard, the Demon trio are somewhere around here, and they know about our hamster disguises..." Gidget: "Yeah, not to mention this Spat person could appear at any moment too..." Melody: "Why is he called that anyway?" Jokey: "Uh..." Jokeo: "What does he look like?" Boss: "Well... he's like a hamster, but with horns, demon wings... and... a pitch fork." Tommy: "You mean... like him over there?!" asked Tommy, as he points at Spat, who came to the scene laughing, scaring the heck out of the girls. Spat: "Hello little hamsters, [making a raspberry] I hope you don't mind me of breaking [making a raspberry] some hearts, ah, ah, ah, ah!" Jokey: "Oh... now I get why they call him Spat..." Jokeo: "Yeah... me too..." Hamtaro: "We won't let you break anyone's hearts!, it's wrong and you know it!" Spat: "So what?, I'm a demon, and speaking of demons, my fellow demons told me that you have some friends who owe them their souls..." Hamtaro: "You're not getting any of them!, nor are the Demon trio!" Spat: "Oh but you must... [making a raspberry] unless you don't care what happens... to them." said Spat, before the Demon trio showed up, holding both Laura and Travis as hostages and were tied up in ropes, much to the hamsters' shock and horror. Hamtaro: "Laura!" Bijou: "Travis!" Boss: "You cowards!" Tommy: "Let them go!" Spat: "If you want them back, [making a raspberry] you brats will have to surrender yourselves to us and give us your souls... [making a raspberry] in other words... it's either your souls... or theirs." said Spat, as he and the Demon trio began to laugh in an evil way, and the hamsters were feeling very conflicted on what to do.


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