Chapter 54

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Elena awoke abruptly, startled by the shock of icy water cascading over her. Her gaze
met Alaric's as he emptied the bucket and unlocked the cell door. Her heart raced at the
intensity in his eyes, and the chains held her in place, amplifying her fear. Alaric's
ominous fingernail gleamed in the dim light, adding to the chilling atmosphere.
Struggling against the unyielding chains, Elena desperately sought an escape from the
terrifying predicament. Alaric, with a sinister smile, approached her. Despite her
trembling voice, she bravely demanded, "What do you want from me?" Alaric's reply
dripped with malice, "Oh, Elena, I desire something only you can provide." With a swift
motion, his razor-sharp nail sliced through Elena's clothes, leaving her exposed.
Fortunately, her pregnancy was not evident to Alaric at that moment. Drenched and
bound by chains, Elena shivered as Alaric used the same sharp finger to glide across
her body. A faint smile played on his face, reveling in her discomfort. Determined to
break her defiance, he aimed to assert dominance, claiming her as his possession
alongside Dreagan. Elena lay vulnerable on the floor, chains restraining her. Alaric,
displaying a predatory grin, moved closer, intensifying her discomfort. In a forceful
gesture, he opened her legs, ready for his dominance. In a different circumstance,
Alaric might have taken his time, offering pleasure filled with soft moans and sweet
words. However, in this moment, with one hand around her throat and another
supporting her, he forcefully entered her, disregarding her body's resistance. Elena's
screams filled the air as she clutched at Alaric's clothes for support, a victim of an
unsettling violation. He'd claim what's rightfully his without hesitation. Why hold back?
He's past the point of seeking approval or caring about her thoughts. It'd be more
satisfying to seek forgiveness later. Deeper, he immersed himself in her, relishing in her
screams and moans. The chains binding her rattled with each forceful thrust, conveying
that every stroke served as punishment. His handling of her screamed one message:
"You belong to me, and you'll obey!" Once Alaric finished with Elena, he shot a final look
at her huddled on the damp floor, surrounded by chains.
Blood trickled from the scratches he inflicted, ensuring she knew her place. Tears
welled up in her eyes. Without another word, he left the cell and dungeon, heading back
to his and Dreagan's room to freshen up. Elena couldn't fathom what had just occurred.
She expected such behavior from Dreagan, but Alaric caught her off guard. Upon
entering her cell, he had been so quiet, transforming into a different person. The
memory sent shivers down her spine as Elena prayed to the moon Goddess for strength
and protection for her child. As King Akee and his forces embarked on their mission to
rescue Elena and confront the two ruthless kings, determination and anxiety mingled
within him. The stakes were high for him, Elena, their unborn child, and the entire
kingdom. With a prayer to the moon Goddess for guidance and strength, he led his
forces toward the kingdom where Elena was held captive, ready to face whatever
challenges lay ahead. A bright light surrounded King Akee and his forces, revealing the
ethereal figure of the moon Goddess within it. Her presence filled the area with a
calming aura as she spoke in a voice that resonated with their hearts. "My children," she
began, compassion shimmering in her eyes, "I've watched over you and know the trials
you face. Elena, my precious gift, carries the hope of change within her, and her child is
destined for greatness." The soldiers listened attentively, hearts filled with reverence.
The moon Goddess continued, "But tread carefully, for the kings you face are ruthless,
their hearts hardened. King Akee, guided by a noble purpose, remember not all battles
are won with force alone. There's a path to redemption even for them." King Akee
nodded, acknowledging her wisdom. The moon Goddess's form brightened, concluding,
"Go forth with the strength of love and determination to protect your loved ones. May
your actions be just, and may the light of change shine upon you." With that, the moon
Goddess faded away, leaving King Akee and his forces with renewed resolve to rescue
Elena and, if possible, bring about a transformation in the hearts of the two ruthless

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